#! /bin/bash # # List of expected input args: # - $1 is an env dir, i.e '/home/username/.../.tox/ocp3.6' # - $2 is a tag or PR to checkout from, # 1) TAG -> i.e. 'openshift-ansible-' for OCP v3.6 # See list of tags here: https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible/tags # 2) PR -> 'pull/12345/head'. Where '12345' is ID of a PR. # See list of PRs here: https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible/pulls # Note that PR is checked out, not cherry-picked. OPENSHIFT_ANSIBLE_GIT_URL='git://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible.git' TARGET_DIR=$1/usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible TAG=$2 if [ -z "$TAG" ]; then # NOTE(vponomar): get latest tag by 3.X branch TAG=$(git ls-remote --tags $OPENSHIFT_ANSIBLE_GIT_URL \ "refs/tags/openshift-ansible-$(echo $1 | grep -oE '[^tox\/ocp]+$').*" \ | grep -v "\{\}" | sort -t / -k 3 -V | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' ) echo "Custom Git tag hasn't been specified, using latest Git tag '$TAG'" else echo "Using custom Git tag '$TAG'" fi TAG=${TAG/refs\/tags\//} if [[ ! -d $TARGET_DIR ]]; then mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR git clone --single-branch $OPENSHIFT_ANSIBLE_GIT_URL $TARGET_DIR fi cd $TARGET_DIR git fetch origin $TAG git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD