# Expected vars: # # - 'config_filepath' - required. It is expected to be provided and must # store filepath for the config file used by automated test caes. # Current playbook will take all the nodes info from it. # # - 'output_artifacts_dir' - optional. It is directory where should be saved # generated/gathered files. # # Command to run this playbook: # # $ tox -e ocp3.11 -- ansible-playbook -i, \ # playbooks/gather_logs.yaml \ # -e config_filepath=/path/to/the/cns-automation-config.yaml \ # -e output_artifacts_dir=../cluster_logs/ --- - hosts: localhost connection: local gather_facts: no tasks: - name: Process config file and find all the nodes of an OpenShift cluster command: "python -c \"import yaml ; config = yaml.load(open('{{ config_filepath }}', 'r')); print(' '.join(list(config['ocp_servers']['master'].keys()))); print(' '.join(list(config['ocp_servers']['nodes'].keys()))); print(' '.join(list(config['gluster_servers'].keys()))); print(config.get('openshift', config.get('cns', {}))['heketi_config']['heketi_server_url']); print(config.get('openshift', config.get('cns', {}))['heketi_config']['heketi_cli_user']); print(config.get('openshift', config.get('cns', {}))['heketi_config']['heketi_cli_key'])\"" register: config_data - debug: msg: "{{ config_data }}" - name: Save config data to the host vars set_fact: master_nodes: "{{ config_data.stdout_lines[0].split(' ') }}" compute_nodes: "{{ config_data.stdout_lines[1].split(' ') }}" gluster_nodes: "{{ config_data.stdout_lines[2].split(' ') }}" heketi_server_url: "{{ config_data.stdout_lines[3] }}" heketi_cli_user: "{{ config_data.stdout_lines[4] }}" heketi_cli_key: "{{ config_data.stdout_lines[5] }}" - name: Print list of master nodes IP addresses debug: msg: "{{ master_nodes }}" - name: Print list of compute nodes IP addresses debug: msg: "{{ compute_nodes }}" - name: Print list of gluster nodes IP addresses debug: msg: "{{ gluster_nodes }}" - name: Add gathered master IP addresses to the Ansible host list add_host: hostname: "{{ item }}" ansible_host: "{{ item }}" groups: logs_ocp_nodes, logs_single_master_node, logs_master_nodes with_items: "{{ master_nodes }}" - name: Add gathered compute IP addresses to the Ansible host list add_host: hostname: "{{ item }}" ansible_host: "{{ item }}" groups: logs_ocp_nodes, logs_compute_nodes with_items: "{{ compute_nodes }}" - name: Add gathered gluster IP addresses to the Ansible host list add_host: hostname: "{{ item }}" ansible_host: "{{ item }}" groups: logs_ocp_nodes, logs_gluster_nodes with_items: "{{ gluster_nodes }}" - hosts: all gather_facts: no tasks: - set_fact: output_artifacts_dir: "{{ (output_artifacts_dir | default('../cluster_logs/')) }}" - set_fact: output_artifacts_dir: "{{ output_artifacts_dir }}{% if output_artifacts_dir[-1] != '/' %}{{ '/' }}{% endif %}" - name: Get hostname of the current host shell: "hostname" register: hostname - name: Save hostname to the var set_fact: current_hostname: "{{ hostname.stdout_lines[0].strip() }}" separator_line: "{{ '=' * 79 }}" - name: Create output artifacts directory if absent delegate_to: localhost file: path: "{{ output_artifacts_dir }}" state: directory run_once: yes - name: Install 'rsync' package which is required by 'synchronize' module yum: name: rsync state: installed ignore_errors: yes # All nodes SOS reports - hosts: logs_ocp_nodes gather_facts: no tasks: - name: Install 'sos' package if absent package: name: sos state: present - name: Run sosreport command shell: "sosreport --batch --verbose --tmp-dir . --label customuniquelabel" register: sosreport_output - name: Print the output of the sosreport command debug: msg: "{{ sosreport_output }}" - name: Get name of the generated sos-file shell: 'echo -e "{{ sosreport_output.stdout }}" | grep customuniquelabel' register: sos_filepath - name: Copy generated files to the localhost fetch: src: "{{ sos_filepath.stdout_lines[0].strip() }}" dest: "{{ output_artifacts_dir }}sosreports/" flat: yes fail_on_missing: yes - hosts: logs_single_master_node gather_facts: no vars: master_package_list: - docker - heketi master_service_list: - docker - multipathd heketi_pod_package_list: - gluster - heketi gluster_pod_package_list: - gluster - heketi - targetcli - gluster-block - tcmu-runner - python-configshell - python-rtslib gluster_pod_service_list: - glusterd - heketi - gluster-blockd - gluster-block-target - tcmu-runner - rpcbind tasks: # Master node info - name: Get distro version shell: "uname -a" register: master_linux_kernel_version - name: Get Red Hat release info shell: "cat /etc/redhat-release" register: master_rh_release - name: Create grep filter with all the packages we are interested in set_fact: package_filter: "{{ package_filter | default('grep') + ' -e ' + item }}" with_items: "{{ master_package_list }}" - name: Get list of installed packages we are interested in shell: "rpm -qa | {{ package_filter }}" register: master_packages - name: Get status of services on OCP Master node shell: "systemctl list-units {{ master_service_list | join('.service ') }}.service --type=service --all --no-pager --no-legend" register: master_services - name: Get OpenShift client version shell: "(oc version | grep -e 'oc ' -e 'openshift' -e 'kube') || echo failed_to_get_oc_version_info" register: master_oc_version - name: Get list of OCP nodes shell: "oc get nodes -o wide || echo failed_to_get_list_of_nodes" register: master_ocp_nodes - name: Get info about all the docker images used in OCP cluster shell: "(oc get pods --all-namespaces -o=custom-columns=:.status.containerStatuses[*].image | grep -v -e '^$' | uniq) || echo failed_to_get_list_of_images" register: master_image_info - name: Write master data to the data file delegate_to: localhost yedit: src: "{{ output_artifacts_dir }}master_data.yaml" state: present edits: - key: master value: Linux kernel version: "{{ master_linux_kernel_version.stdout_lines }}" Red Hat release info: "{{ master_rh_release.stdout_lines }}" List of Packages: "{{ master_packages.stdout_lines }}" List of services: "{{ master_services.stdout_lines }}" OC Version: "{{ master_oc_version.stdout_lines }}" OCP nodes: "{{ master_ocp_nodes.stdout_lines }}" Images info: "{{ master_image_info.stdout_lines }}" # Heketi POD logs, config and DB dump - name: Get heketi POD shell: "oc get pods --all-namespaces -l heketi --no-headers -o=custom-columns=:.metadata.name,:.metadata.namespace" register: heketi_pods retries: 10 delay: 6 until: heketi_pods is succeeded - name: DEBUG HEKETI debug: msg: "{{ heketi_pods }}" - block: - name: Create var with destination dir path set_fact: dir_path: "{{ output_artifacts_dir }}heketi_pod/" - name: Create compute directory if absent delegate_to: localhost file: path: "{{ dir_path }}" state: directory - name: Set Heketi POD name and Heketi namespace as vars set_fact: heketi_pod_name: "{{ (heketi_pods.stdout_lines[0].split(' ') | list)[0] }}" heketi_pod_namespace: "{{ (heketi_pods.stdout_lines[0].split(' ') | list)[-1] }}" - name: Set Heketi pod command prefix set_fact: heketi_pod_cmd_prefix: "oc exec {{ heketi_pod_name }} --namespace {{ heketi_pod_namespace }} --" - name: Get the Heketi config from the Heketi POD shell: 'echo -e "$({{ heketi_pod_cmd_prefix }} cat /etc/heketi/heketi.json || echo error_failed_to_get_the_heketi_config_file)" | tee /tmp/heketi_config.json' - name: Copy the Heketi config fetch: src: "/tmp/heketi_config.json" dest: "{{ dir_path }}" flat: yes fail_on_missing: yes - name: Save Heketi POD logs shell: "(oc logs {{ heketi_pod_name }} || echo 'ERROR! Failed to get the Heketi logs.') > /tmp/heketi.log" - name: Copy the Heketi logs fetch: src: "/tmp/heketi.log" dest: "{{ dir_path }}" flat: yes fail_on_missing: yes - name: Dump the Heketi DB shell: 'echo -e "$({{ heketi_pod_cmd_prefix }} heketi-cli --server {{ hostvars["localhost"]["heketi_server_url"] }} --user {{ hostvars["localhost"]["heketi_cli_user"] }} --secret {{ hostvars["localhost"]["heketi_cli_key"] }} db dump || echo \{\"error\"\:\"failed_to_get_the_Heketi_db_dump\"\})" | python -m json.tool > /tmp/heketi_db_dump.json' - name: Copy the Heketi DB dump fetch: src: "/tmp/heketi_db_dump.json" dest: "{{ dir_path }}" flat: yes fail_on_missing: yes - name: Get storage release version from Heketi POD shell: "{{ heketi_pod_cmd_prefix }} cat /etc/redhat-storage-release || echo failed_to_read_redhat_storage_release_info" register: heketi_pod_storage_release_version - name: Get info about packages on Heketi POD shell: "{{ heketi_pod_cmd_prefix }} rpm -qa | grep -e {{ heketi_pod_package_list | join(' -e ') }} || echo failed_to_read_list_of_installed_packages" register: heketi_pod_packages - name: Write Heketi data to the data file delegate_to: localhost yedit: src: "{{ dir_path }}heketi_pod_data.yaml" state: present edits: - key: "Storage_release_version" value: "{{ heketi_pod_storage_release_version.stdout_lines }}" - key: "List_of_Packages" value: "{{ heketi_pod_packages.stdout_lines }}" when: "((heketi_pods.stdout_lines | join('')).strip() | length) > 0" # Gluster PODs - name: Get list of Gluster PODs shell: "oc get pods --all-namespaces -l glusterfs-node --no-headers -o=custom-columns=:.metadata.name,:.metadata.namespace" register: gluster_pods retries: 10 delay: 6 until: gluster_pods is succeeded - name: DEBUG GLUSTER debug: msg: "{{ gluster_pods }}" - name: Create var describing the Gluster cluster deployment type set_fact: is_gluster_containerized: "{{ ((gluster_pods.stdout_lines | join('')).strip() | length) > 0 }}" delegate_to: "{{ item }}" delegate_facts: yes with_items: "{{ groups['all'] }}" - block: - name: Create var with destination dir path set_fact: dir_path: "{{ output_artifacts_dir }}gluster_pods/" - name: Create directory if absent delegate_to: localhost file: path: "{{ dir_path }}" state: directory - name: Define storage namespace set_fact: storage_namespace: "{{ (gluster_pods.stdout_lines[0].split( ' ') | list)[-1] }}" - name: Define gluster POD names set_fact: gluster_pod_names: "{{ (gluster_pod_names | default([])) + [(item.split(' ') | list)[0]] }}" with_items: "{{ gluster_pods.stdout_lines[0:] }}" - debug: msg: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" - name: Get storage release version from Gluster PODs shell: "(oc exec {{ item }} --namespace {{ storage_namespace }} -- cat /etc/redhat-storage-release) || echo failed_to_get_redhat_storage_release_info" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" register: gluster_pod_storage_release_version_results - name: Process gluster PODs storage release versions results set_fact: gluster_pod_storage_release_version_processed: "{{ gluster_pod_storage_release_version_processed | default({}) | combine( {(item.item.strip().split(' ')[0]): item.stdout_lines}, recursive=True ) }}" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_storage_release_version_results.results }}" - name: Get info about packages on Gluster PODs shell: "(oc exec {{ item }} --namespace {{ storage_namespace }} -- rpm -qa | grep -e {{ gluster_pod_package_list | join(' -e ') }}) || echo failed_to_get_packages_info_from_gluster_pod" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" register: gluster_pod_package_list_results - name: Process gluster PODs package lists results set_fact: gluster_pod_package_list_processed: "{{ gluster_pod_package_list_processed | default({}) | combine( {(item.item.strip().split(' ')[0]): item.stdout_lines}, recursive=True ) }}" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_package_list_results.results }}" - name: Get info about services on Gluster PODs shell: "(oc exec {{ item }} --namespace {{ storage_namespace }} -- systemctl list-units {{ gluster_pod_service_list | join('.service ') }}.service --type=service --all --no-pager --no-legend) || echo failed_to_get_services_info_from_gluster_pod" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" register: gluster_pod_service_list_results - name: Process gluster PODs service lists results set_fact: gluster_pod_service_list_processed: "{{ gluster_pod_service_list_processed | default({}) | combine( {(item.item.strip().split(' ')[0]): item.stdout_lines}, recursive=True ) }}" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_service_list_results.results }}" - name: Write Gluster PODs data to the data file delegate_to: localhost yedit: src: "{{ dir_path }}gluster_pods_packages_and_services_data.yaml" state: present edits: - key: gluster_pods value: Storage release version: "{{ gluster_pod_storage_release_version_processed }}" List of Packages: "{{ gluster_pod_package_list_processed }}" List of Services: "{{ gluster_pod_service_list_processed }}" - name: Get 'targetcli ls' output shell: "(oc exec {{ item }} --namespace {{ storage_namespace }} -- targetcli ls) || echo failed_to_get_targetcli_ls_output" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" register: gluster_pod_targetcli_ls_results - debug: msg: "{{ gluster_pod_targetcli_ls_results }}" - name: Write Gluster PODs data to the data file delegate_to: localhost no_log: yes copy: content: "{{ item.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ (item.item.strip().split(' ') | list)[0] }}-targetcli-ls" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_targetcli_ls_results.results }}" - name: Create gluster log directories on the master node file: path: "/tmp/gluster/{{ item }}-var_log_glusterfs" state: directory with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" - name: Copy '/var/log/glusterfs/*' files to the master shell: "(oc cp {{ storage_namespace }}/{{ item }}:/var/log/glusterfs /tmp/gluster/{{ item }}-var_log_glusterfs) || echo failed_to_copy_var_log_glusterfs_files" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" - name: Copy '/var/log/glusterfs/*' files from the master to the localhost synchronize: src: "/tmp/gluster/{{ item }}-var_log_glusterfs/" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ item }}-var_log_glusterfs/" mode: pull recursive: yes use_ssh_args: yes with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" ignore_errors: yes - name: Get 'dmesg -T' info shell: "(oc exec {{ item }} --namespace {{ storage_namespace }} -- dmesg -T) || echo failed_toget_dmesg_-T_info" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" register: gluster_pods_dmesg_results - name: Write Gluster PODs dmesg data to files delegate_to: localhost no_log: yes copy: content: "{{ item.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ (item.item.strip().split(' ') | list)[0] }}-dmesg" with_items: "{{ gluster_pods_dmesg_results.results }}" - name: Get list of processes and info for processes with 'D' stat shell: "(oc exec {{ item }} --namespace {{ storage_namespace }} -- ps aux ; oc exec {{ item }} --namespace {{ storage_namespace }} -- ps -aux | tee /dev/tty | awk {'if ( $8 ~ \"D\" ) print $2'} | while read -r pid ; do echo -e \"\nRunning '/proc/$pid/stack' command:\"; cat /proc/$pid/stack ; done) || echo failed_to_get_info_about_processes_with_D_stat" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" register: gluster_pod_io_processes_info - name: Write Gluster PODs 'I\O' proccesses info to files delegate_to: localhost no_log: yes copy: content: "{{ item.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ (item.item.strip().split(' ') | list)[0] }}-ps" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_io_processes_info.results }}" - name: List dirs and files in '/sys/module/dm_multipath' shell: "(oc exec {{ item }} --namespace {{ storage_namespace }} -- ls -l /sys/module/dm_multipath) || echo failed_to_list_files_in__sys_module_dm_multipath" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" register: sys_module_dm_multipath_results - name: Write Gluster PODs 'ls -l /sys/module/dm_multipath' output to files delegate_to: localhost no_log: yes copy: content: "{{ item.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ (item.item.strip().split(' ') | list)[0] }}-ls-sys_module_dm_multipath" with_items: "{{ sys_module_dm_multipath_results.results }}" - name: "Run 'lsmod | egrep target_core' command" shell: "(oc exec {{ item }} --namespace {{ storage_namespace }} -- lsmod | egrep target_core) || echo failed_to_get_lsmod_info_for_target_core" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" register: lsmod_target_core_results - name: Write Gluster PODs 'lsmod | egrep target_core' command results to files delegate_to: localhost no_log: yes copy: content: "{{ item.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ (item.item.strip().split(' ') | list)[0] }}-lsmod_target_core" with_items: "{{ lsmod_target_core_results.results }}" - name: Get info about devices shell: '(oc exec {{ item }} --namespace {{ storage_namespace }} -- bash -c "echo -e \"{{ separator_line }}\nlsblk info:\"; lsblk; echo -e \"{{ separator_line }}\nPVs info:\"; pvs; echo -e \"{{ separator_line }}\nVGs info:\"; vgs; echo -e \"{{ separator_line }}\nLVs info:\"; lvs; echo -e \"{{ separator_line }}\"") || echo failed_to_get_list_of_pvs_vgs_and_lvs' with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" register: lsblk_pvs_vgs_lvs_results - name: Write Gluster PODs info about PVs, VGs and LVs to files delegate_to: localhost no_log: yes copy: content: "{{ item.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ (item.item.strip().split(' ') | list)[0] }}-lsblk_pvs_vgs_lvs" with_items: "{{ lsblk_pvs_vgs_lvs_results.results }}" - name: Read 'journalctl' output shell: "(oc exec {{ item }} --namespace {{ storage_namespace }} -- journalctl) || echo failed_to_read_journalctl_output" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" register: journalctl_results - name: Write Gluster PODs 'journalctl' output to files delegate_to: localhost no_log: yes copy: content: "{{ item.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ (item.item.strip().split(' ') | list)[0] }}-journalctl" with_items: "{{ journalctl_results.results }}" - name: Read 'mount' output shell: "(oc exec {{ item }} --namespace {{ storage_namespace }} -- mount) || echo failed_to_read_mount_output" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" register: mount_results - name: Write Gluster PODs 'mount' output to files delegate_to: localhost no_log: yes copy: content: "{{ item.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ (item.item.strip().split(' ') | list)[0] }}-mount" with_items: "{{ mount_results.results }}" - name: Create archive from ' /etc/target/' dir shell: "(oc exec {{ item }} --namespace {{ storage_namespace }} -- tar -czvf etc_target.tar.gz /etc/target/ ) || echo failed_to_archive__etc_target_dir" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" - name: Copy archive of the '/etc/target/' dir to the master shell: "(oc cp {{ storage_namespace }}/{{ item }}:/etc_target.tar.gz /tmp/gluster/{{ item }}-etc_target.tar.gz) || echo failed_to_copy_etc_target_file" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" - name: Copy archive of the '/etc/target/' dir to the localhost fetch: src: "/tmp/gluster/{{ item }}-etc_target.tar.gz" dest: "{{ dir_path }}" flat: yes fail_on_missing: yes with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" - name: Create archive from '/sys/kernel/config/target/' dir shell: "(oc exec {{ item }} --namespace {{ storage_namespace }} -- tar -czvf sys_kernel_config_target.tar.gz /sys/kernel/config/target/ ) || echo failed_to_archive__sys_kernel_config_target_dir" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" - name: Copy archive of the '/sys/kernel/config/target/' dir to the master shell: "(oc cp {{ storage_namespace }}/{{ item }}:/sys_kernel_config_target.tar.gz /tmp/gluster/{{ item }}-sys_kernel_config_target.tar.gz) || echo failed_to_copy_sys_kernel_config_target_file" with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" - name: Copy archive of the '/sys/kernel/config/target/' dir to the localhost fetch: src: "/tmp/gluster/{{ item }}-sys_kernel_config_target.tar.gz" dest: "{{ dir_path }}" flat: yes fail_on_missing: yes with_items: "{{ gluster_pod_names }}" when: "is_gluster_containerized" # Gather info from gluster nodes in case of 'standalone' deployment - hosts: logs_gluster_nodes gather_facts: no vars: gluster_package_list: - gluster - heketi - targetcli - gluster-block - tcmu-runner - python-configshell - python-rtslib gluster_service_list: - glusterd - heketi - gluster-blockd - gluster-block-target - tcmu-runner - rpcbind tasks: - block: - name: Create var with destination dir path set_fact: dir_path: "{{ output_artifacts_dir }}gluster_nodes/" - name: Create directory if absent delegate_to: localhost file: path: "{{ dir_path }}" state: directory run_once: yes - name: Get storage release version from Gluster node shell: "(cat /etc/redhat-storage-release) || echo failed_to_get_redhat_storage_release_info" register: gluster_node_storage_release_version_results - name: Get info about packages on Gluster node shell: "(rpm -qa | grep -e {{ gluster_package_list | join(' -e ') }}) || echo failed_to_get_packages_info_from_gluster_node" register: gluster_node_package_list_results - name: Get info about services on Gluster node shell: "(systemctl list-units {{ gluster_service_list | join('.service ') }}.service --type=service --all --no-pager --no-legend) || echo failed_to_get_services_info_from_gluster_node" register: gluster_node_service_list_results - name: Write Gluster node data to the data file delegate_to: localhost yedit: src: "{{ dir_path }}gluster_nodes_packages_and_services_data.yaml" state: present edits: - key: "gluster_node_{{ current_hostname }}" value: Storage release version: "{{ gluster_node_storage_release_version_results.stdout }}" List of Packages: "{{ gluster_node_package_list_results.stdout_lines }}" List of Services: "{{ gluster_node_service_list_results.stdout_lines }}" - name: Get 'targetcli ls' output shell: "targetcli ls || echo failed_to_get_targetcli_ls_output" register: gluster_node_targetcli_ls_results - name: Write Gluster node data to the data file delegate_to: localhost no_log: yes copy: content: "{{ gluster_node_targetcli_ls_results.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}-targetcli-ls" - name: Copy '/var/log/glusterfs/*' files from the current gluster node synchronize: src: "/var/log/glusterfs/" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}-var_log_glusterfs/" mode: pull recursive: yes use_ssh_args: yes ignore_errors: yes - name: Get info about space usage shell: '(echo -e "File system disk space usage on the {{ current_hostname }} node:\n"; df -Th) ||echo failed_to_get_df_info' register: df_info - name: Save mounts info into a file delegate_to: localhost copy: content: "{{ df_info.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}_df" - name: Get 'dmesg -T' info shell: "dmesg -T || echo failed_toget_dmesg_-T_info" register: gluster_node_dmesg_results - name: Write Gluster node dmesg data to files delegate_to: localhost no_log: yes copy: content: "{{ gluster_node_dmesg_results.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}-dmesg" - name: Get list of processes and info for processes with 'D' stat shell: "( ps aux ; ps -aux | tee /dev/tty | awk {'if ( $8 ~ \"D\" ) print $2'} | while read -r pid ; do echo -e \"\nRunning '/proc/$pid/stack' command:\"; cat /proc/$pid/stack ; done) || echo failed_to_get_info_about_processes_with_D_stat" register: gluster_node_io_processes_info - name: Write Gluster node 'I\O' proccesses info to a file delegate_to: localhost no_log: yes copy: content: "{{ gluster_node_io_processes_info.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}-ps" - name: List dirs and files in '/sys/module/dm_multipath' shell: "ls -l /sys/module/dm_multipath || echo failed_to_list_files_in__sys_module_dm_multipath" register: sys_module_dm_multipath_results - name: Write Gluster node 'ls -l /sys/module/dm_multipath' output to a file delegate_to: localhost no_log: yes copy: content: "{{ sys_module_dm_multipath_results.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}-ls-sys_module_dm_multipath" - name: "Run 'lsmod | egrep target_core' command" shell: "(lsmod | egrep target_core) || echo failed_to_get_lsmod_info_for_target_core" register: lsmod_target_core_results - name: Write Gluster node 'lsmod | egrep target_core' command results to a file delegate_to: localhost no_log: yes copy: content: "{{ lsmod_target_core_results.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}-lsmod_target_core" - name: Get info about devices shell: '(echo -e "{{ separator_line }}\nlsblk info:"; lsblk; echo -e "{{ separator_line }}\nPVs info:"; pvs; echo -e "{{ separator_line }}\nVGs info:"; vgs; echo -e "{{ separator_line }}\nLVs info:"; lvs; echo -e "{{ separator_line }}\nll /dev/disk/by-path/ip-*:"; ll /dev/disk/by-path/ip-*; echo {{ separator_line }}) || echo failed_to_get_info' register: lsblk_pvs_vgs_lvs - name: Save devices info into a file delegate_to: localhost copy: content: "{{ lsblk_pvs_vgs_lvs.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}_lsblk_pvs_vgs_lvs" - name: Read 'journalctl' output shell: "journalctl || echo failed_to_read_journalctl_output" register: journalctl_results - name: Write Gluster node 'journalctl' output to a file delegate_to: localhost no_log: yes copy: content: "{{ journalctl_results.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}-journalctl" - name: Read 'mount' output shell: "mount || echo failed_to_read_mount_output" register: mount_results - name: Write Gluster node 'mount' output to a file delegate_to: localhost no_log: yes copy: content: "{{ mount_results.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}-mount" - name: Create archive from ' /etc/target/' dir shell: "tar -czvf /tmp/gluster/{{ current_hostname }}-etc_target.tar.gz /etc/target/ || echo failed_to_archive__etc_target_dir" - name: Copy archive of the '/etc/target/' dir to the localhost fetch: src: "/tmp/gluster/{{ current_hostname }}-etc_target.tar.gz" dest: "{{ dir_path }}" flat: yes fail_on_missing: yes - name: Create archive from '/sys/kernel/config/target/' dir shell: "tar -czvf /tmp/gluster/{{ current_hostname }}-sys_kernel_config_target.tar.gz /sys/kernel/config/target/ || echo failed_to_archive__sys_kernel_config_target_dir" - name: Copy archive of the '/sys/kernel/config/target/' dir to the localhost fetch: src: "/tmp/gluster/{{ current_hostname }}-sys_kernel_config_target.tar.gz" dest: "{{ dir_path }}" flat: yes fail_on_missing: yes - name: Create archive from '/var/log/messages' dir shell: "tar -czvf var_log_messages.tar.gz /var/log/messages" retries: 15 delay: 2 register: result until: result is succeeded ignore_errors: yes - name: Copy the archive to the localhost fetch: src: "var_log_messages.tar.gz" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}_var_log_messages.tar.gz" flat: yes fail_on_missing: yes ignore_errors: yes when: "not is_gluster_containerized" # Gather info from compute nodes - hosts: logs_compute_nodes gather_facts: no vars: compute_package_list: - docker - heketi - rpcbind compute_service_list: - docker - multipathd - rpcbind - iscsid tasks: - name: Create var with destination dir path set_fact: dir_path: "{{ output_artifacts_dir }}compute_nodes/" - name: Create compute directory if absent delegate_to: localhost file: path: "{{ dir_path }}" state: directory run_once: yes - name: Create grep filter with all the packages we are interested in set_fact: package_filter: "{{ package_filter | default('grep') + ' -e ' + item }}" with_items: "{{ compute_package_list }}" - name: Get list of installed packages we are interested in shell: "rpm -qa | {{ package_filter }} || echo failed_to_get_info" register: compute_packages - name: Write compute nodes package list to a file delegate_to: localhost copy: content: "{{ compute_packages.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}_packages.yaml" - name: Get status of services on OCP Compute nodes shell: "systemctl list-units {{ compute_service_list | join('.service ') }}.service --no-pager --type=service --all --no-legend || echo failed_to_get_info" register: compute_services - name: Write compute nodes service list to a file delegate_to: localhost copy: content: "{{ compute_services.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}_services.yaml" - name: Get multipath info shell: "(echo 'Multipath config is following:'; cat /etc/multipath.conf; echo -e \"{{ separator_line }}\nResults of 'nmultipath -ll' command:\"; multipath -ll; echo {{ separator_line }}) || echo failed_to_get_info" register: multipath_info - name: Save multipath info into a file delegate_to: localhost copy: content: "{{ multipath_info.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}_multipath_info" - name: Get info about devices shell: '(echo -e "{{ separator_line }}\nlsblk info:"; lsblk; echo -e "{{ separator_line }}\nPVs info:"; pvs; echo -e "{{ separator_line }}\nVGs info:"; vgs; echo -e "{{ separator_line }}\nLVs info:"; lvs; echo -e "{{ separator_line }}\nll /dev/disk/by-path/ip-*:"; ll /dev/disk/by-path/ip-*; echo {{ separator_line }}) || echo failed_to_get_info' register: lsblk_pvs_vgs_lvs - name: Save devices info into a file delegate_to: localhost copy: content: "{{ lsblk_pvs_vgs_lvs.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}_lsblk_pvs_vgs_lvs" - name: Get info about mounts shell: '(echo -e "Mounts on the {{ current_hostname }} node:\n"; mount) || echo failed_to_get_info' register: mounts - name: Save mounts info into a file delegate_to: localhost copy: content: "{{ mounts.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}_mount" - name: Get info about space usage shell: '(echo -e "File system disk space usage on the {{ current_hostname }} node:\n"; df -Th) ||echo failed_to_get_df_info' register: df_info - name: Save mounts info into a file delegate_to: localhost copy: content: "{{ df_info.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}_df" - name: Read 'dmesg -T' info shell: "dmesg -T || echo failed_to_get_info" register: dmesg_info - name: Save dmesg info into a file delegate_to: localhost copy: content: "{{ dmesg_info.stdout }}" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}_dmesg" - name: Create archive from '/var/log/messages' dir shell: "tar -czvf var_log_messages.tar.gz /var/log/messages" retries: 15 delay: 2 register: result until: result is succeeded ignore_errors: yes - name: Copy the archive to the localhost fetch: src: "var_log_messages.tar.gz" dest: "{{ dir_path }}{{ current_hostname }}_var_log_messages.tar.gz" flat: yes fail_on_missing: yes ignore_errors: yes