from glusto.core import Glusto as g import yaml from cnslibs.common.command import cmd_run from cnslibs.common.exceptions import ( ExecutionError, NotSupportedException) from cnslibs.common.openshift_version import get_openshift_version MASTER_CONFIG_FILEPATH = "/etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml" def validate_multipath_pod(hostname, podname, hacount, mpath=""): ''' This function validates multipath for given app-pod Args: hostname (str): ocp master node name podname (str): app-pod name for which we need to validate multipath. ex : nginx1 hacount (int): multipath count or HA count. ex: 3 Returns: bool: True if successful, otherwise False ''' cmd = "oc get pods -o wide | grep %s | awk '{print $7}'" % podname ret, out, err =, cmd, "root") if ret != 0 or out == "": g.log.error("failed to exectute cmd %s on %s, err %s" % (cmd, hostname, out)) return False pod_nodename = out.strip() active_node_count = 1 enable_node_count = hacount - 1 cmd = "multipath -ll %s | grep 'status=active' | wc -l" % mpath ret, out, err =, cmd, "root") if ret != 0 or out == "": g.log.error("failed to exectute cmd %s on %s, err %s" % (cmd, pod_nodename, out)) return False active_count = int(out.strip()) if active_node_count != active_count: g.log.error("active node count on %s for %s is %s and not 1" % (pod_nodename, podname, active_count)) return False cmd = "multipath -ll %s | grep 'status=enabled' | wc -l" % mpath ret, out, err =, cmd, "root") if ret != 0 or out == "": g.log.error("failed to exectute cmd %s on %s, err %s" % (cmd, pod_nodename, out)) return False enable_count = int(out.strip()) if enable_node_count != enable_count: g.log.error("passive node count on %s for %s is %s " "and not %s" % ( pod_nodename, podname, enable_count, enable_node_count)) return False"validation of multipath for %s is successfull" % podname) return True def enable_pvc_resize(master_node): ''' This function edits the /etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml file - to enable pv_resize feature and restarts atomic-openshift service on master node Args: master_node (str): hostname of masternode on which want to edit the master-config.yaml file Returns: bool: True if successful, otherwise raise Exception ''' version = get_openshift_version() if version < "3.9": msg = ("pv resize is not available in openshift " "version %s " % version) g.log.error(msg) raise NotSupportedException(msg) try: conn = g.rpyc_get_connection(master_node, user="root") if conn is None: err_msg = ("Failed to get rpyc connection of node %s" % master_node) g.log.error(err_msg) raise ExecutionError(err_msg) with, 'r') as f: data = yaml.load(f) dict_add = data['admissionConfig']['pluginConfig'] if "PersistentVolumeClaimResize" in dict_add:"master-config.yaml file is already edited") return True dict_add['PersistentVolumeClaimResize'] = { 'configuration': { 'apiVersion': 'v1', 'disable': 'false', 'kind': 'DefaultAdmissionConfig'}} data['admissionConfig']['pluginConfig'] = dict_add kube_config = data['kubernetesMasterConfig'] for key in ('apiServerArguments', 'controllerArguments'): kube_config[key] = ( kube_config.get(key) if isinstance(kube_config.get(key), dict) else {}) value = ['ExpandPersistentVolumes=true'] kube_config[key]['feature-gates'] = value with, 'w+') as f: yaml.dump(data, f, default_flow_style=False) except Exception as err: raise ExecutionError("failed to edit master-config.yaml file " "%s on %s" % (err, master_node)) finally: g.rpyc_close_connection(master_node, user="root")"successfully edited master-config.yaml file " "%s" % master_node) if version == "3.9": cmd = ("systemctl restart atomic-openshift-master-api " "atomic-openshift-master-controllers") else: cmd = ("/usr/local/bin/master-restart api && " "/usr/local/bin/master-restart controllers") ret, out, err =, cmd, "root") if ret != 0: err_msg = "Failed to execute cmd %s on %s\nout: %s\nerr: %s" % ( cmd, master_node, out, err) g.log.error(err_msg) raise ExecutionError(err_msg) return True def get_iscsi_session(node, iqn=None, raise_on_error=True): """Get the list of ip's of iscsi sessions. Args: node (str): where we want to run the command. iqn (str): name of iqn. Returns: list: list of session ip's. raises: ExecutionError: In case of any failure if raise_on_error=True. """ cmd = "set -o pipefail && ((iscsiadm -m session" if iqn: cmd += " | grep %s" % iqn cmd += ") | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d ':' -f 1)" out = cmd_run(cmd, node, raise_on_error=raise_on_error) return out.split("\n") if out else out def get_iscsi_block_devices_by_path(node, iqn=None, raise_on_error=True): """Get list of iscsiadm block devices from path. Args: node (str): where we want to run the command. iqn (str): name of iqn. returns: dictionary: block devices and there ips. raises: ExecutionError: In case of any failure if raise_on_error=True. """ cmd = "set -o pipefail && ((ls --format=context /dev/disk/by-path/ip*" if iqn: cmd += " | grep %s" % iqn cmd += ") | awk -F '/|:|-' '{print $10,$25}')" out = cmd_run(cmd, node, raise_on_error=raise_on_error) if not out: return out out_dic = {} for i in out.split("\n"): ip, device = i.strip().split(" ") out_dic[device] = ip return out_dic def get_mpath_name_from_device_name(node, device, raise_on_error=True): """Get name of mpath device form block device Args: node (str): where we want to run the command. device (str): for which we have to find mpath. Returns: str: name of device Raises: ExecutionError: In case of any failure if raise_on_error=True. """ cmd = ("set -o pipefail && ((lsblk -n --list --output=NAME /dev/%s)" " | tail -1)" % device) return cmd_run(cmd, node, raise_on_error=raise_on_error) def get_active_and_enabled_devices_from_mpath(node, mpath): """Get active and enabled devices from mpath name. Args: node (str): where we want to run the command. mpath (str): name of mpath for which we have to find devices. Returns: dictionary: devices info Raises: ExecutionError: In case of any failure """ cmd = ("set -o pipefail && ((multipath -ll %s | grep -A 1 status=%s)" " | cut -d ':' -f 4 | awk '{print $2}')") active = cmd_run(cmd % (mpath, 'active'), node).split('\n')[1::2] enabled = cmd_run(cmd % (mpath, 'enabled'), node).split('\n')[1::2] out_dic = { 'active': active, 'enabled': enabled} return out_dic