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diff --git a/tests/functional/gluster_stability/ b/tests/functional/gluster_stability/
index e81949f4..59852e98 100644
--- a/tests/functional/gluster_stability/
+++ b/tests/functional/gluster_stability/
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ from openshiftstoragelibs.openshift_ops import (
+ get_vol_names_from_pv,
@@ -1245,3 +1246,82 @@ class TestGlusterBlockStability(GlusterBlockBaseClass):
list(mpaths)[0], hacount, ini_node, timeout=1)
+ def get_vol_id_and_vol_names_from_pvc_names(self, pvc_names):
+ vol_details = []
+ for pvc_name in pvc_names:
+ pv_name = get_pv_name_from_pvc(self.node, pvc_name)
+ volume = get_vol_names_from_pv(
+ self.node, pv_name, vol_type='block')
+ vol_details.append(volume)
+ return vol_details
+ def check_errors_in_heketi_pod_network_failure_after_deletion(
+ self, since_time, vol_names):
+ # Get name of heketi pod
+ heketi_pod_name = get_pod_name_from_dc(self.node, self.heketi_dc_name)
+ # Check for errors in heketi pod logs
+ err_cmd = (
+ r'oc logs %s --since-time="%s" | grep " Failed to run command '
+ r'\[gluster-block delete*"' % (heketi_pod_name, since_time))
+ for w in Waiter(30, 5):
+ err_out = cmd_run(err_cmd, self.node)
+ if any(vol_name in err_out for vol_name in vol_names):
+ break
+ if w.expired:
+ err_msg = ("Expected ERROR for volumes '%s' not generated in "
+ "heketi pod logs" % vol_names)
+ raise AssertionError(err_msg)
+ def test_delete_block_pvcs_with_network_failure(self):
+ """Block port 24010 while deleting PVC's"""
+ pvc_amount, pvc_delete_amount = 10, 5
+ gluster_node = self.gluster_servers[0]
+ rules = '-p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 24010 -j ACCEPT'
+ sc_name = self.create_storage_class(hacount=len(self.gluster_servers))
+ # Get the total free space available
+ initial_free_storage = get_total_free_space(
+ self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url)
+ # Create 10 PVC's, get their PV names and volume ids
+ pvc_names = self.create_and_wait_for_pvcs(
+ sc_name=sc_name, pvc_amount=pvc_amount, timeout=240)
+ vol_details = self.get_vol_id_and_vol_names_from_pvc_names(pvc_names)
+ vol_names = [vol_name['gluster_vol'] for vol_name in vol_details]
+ # Delete 5 PVCs not waiting for the results
+ oc_delete(self.node, 'pvc', " ".join(pvc_names[:pvc_delete_amount]))
+ # Get time to collect logs
+ since_time = cmd_run(
+ 'date -u --rfc-3339=ns| cut -d "+" -f 1', self.node).replace(
+ " ", "T") + "Z"
+ try:
+ # Close the port #24010 on gluster node and then delete other 5 PVC
+ # without wait
+ node_delete_iptables_rules(gluster_node, chain, rules)
+ oc_delete(
+ self.node, 'pvc', ' '.join(pvc_names[pvc_delete_amount:]))
+ self.addCleanup(
+ wait_for_resources_absence,
+ self.node, 'pvc', pvc_names[pvc_delete_amount:])
+ # Check errors in heketi pod logs
+ self.check_errors_in_heketi_pod_network_failure_after_deletion(
+ since_time, vol_names[pvc_delete_amount:])
+ finally:
+ # Open port 24010
+ node_add_iptables_rules(gluster_node, chain, rules)
+ # validate available free space is same
+ final_free_storage = get_total_free_space(
+ self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url)
+ msg = ("Available free space %s is not same as expected %s"
+ % (initial_free_storage, final_free_storage))
+ self.assertEqual(initial_free_storage, final_free_storage, msg)