path: root/deployment/playbooks/roles/setup-custom-domain-names-for-ansible-runner/tasks/main.yaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deployment/playbooks/roles/setup-custom-domain-names-for-ansible-runner/tasks/main.yaml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/deployment/playbooks/roles/setup-custom-domain-names-for-ansible-runner/tasks/main.yaml b/deployment/playbooks/roles/setup-custom-domain-names-for-ansible-runner/tasks/main.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e9e06809..00000000
--- a/deployment/playbooks/roles/setup-custom-domain-names-for-ansible-runner/tasks/main.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# NOTE(vponomar): here we use 2 different sources of IP addresses:
-# 1) hostvars[item] exists for old nodes, that haven't been created
-# with this playbook run. Such nodes have detailed info in hostvars.
-# 2) hostvars[item].ansible_ssh_host is always correct IP address for newly
-# created nodes. For such nodes we pick it when variant 1 does not work.
-- name: Save matched hosts to temporary var
- set_fact:
- current_cluster_hosts: "{{
- current_cluster_hosts | default([]) | union([{
- 'name_short': hostvars[item].inventory_hostname_short,
- 'name': hostvars[item].inventory_hostname,
- 'net': (hostvars[item].guest | default({})).net | default(
- [{'network': vm_network,
- 'ipaddress': [hostvars[item].ansible_ssh_host]}])
- }]) }}"
- with_items: "{{ groups.all | select('match', ocp_hostname_prefix) | list }}"
-- name: Gather current cluster IP addresses
- set_fact:
- current_cluster_ips: "{{
- current_cluster_ips | default({}) | combine({
- (item.1.ipaddress | ipv4 | first): [item.0.name_short,]
- }) }}"
- with_subelements: ["{{ current_cluster_hosts }}", net]
- when: " == vm_network"
-- name: Get current user home dir
- shell: 'eval echo "~$USER"'
- register: home_dir
-- name: Set hosts files paths
- set_fact:
- home_hosts_file: "{{ home_dir.stdout_lines[0] + '/.ssh/config' }}"
- system_hosts_file: "/etc/hosts"
-- name: Check 'write' permissions for system hosts file
- stat:
- path: "{{ system_hosts_file }}"
- register: stat_system_hosts
-- name: Update system hosts file if writeable
- block:
- - name: Delete old left-overs if exist
- lineinfile:
- dest: "{{ system_hosts_file }}"
- regexp: '{{ item.name_short }}'
- state: absent
- create: true
- with_items: "{{ current_cluster_hosts }}"
- - name: Add domain name mapping of new cluster nodes to the system hosts file
- lineinfile:
- dest: "{{ system_hosts_file }}"
- line: '{{ item.key }} {{ item.value.0 }} {{ item.value.1 }}'
- create: true
- with_dict: "{{ current_cluster_ips }}"
- when: "stat_system_hosts.stat.writeable"
-- name: Update user's SSH hosts file
- block:
- - name: Delete old left-overs if exist
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ home_hosts_file }}"
- state: absent
- regexp: "{{ item.key }}"
- create: true
- mode: '644'
- with_dict: "{{ current_cluster_ips }}"
- - name: Write line with option group
- lineinfile:
- dest: "{{ home_hosts_file }}"
- state: present
- line: "Host {{ item.value.0 }} {{ item.value.1 }}"
- create: true
- mode: '644'
- with_dict: "{{ current_cluster_ips }}"
- - name: Write line with hostname option
- lineinfile:
- dest: "{{ home_hosts_file }}"
- state: present
- line: " HostName {{ item.key }}"
- insertafter: "Host {{ item.value.0 }} {{ item.value.1 }}"
- create: true
- mode: '644'
- with_dict: "{{ current_cluster_ips }}"