path: root/deployment/playbooks/generate-tests-config.yaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deployment/playbooks/generate-tests-config.yaml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 140 deletions
diff --git a/deployment/playbooks/generate-tests-config.yaml b/deployment/playbooks/generate-tests-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a4f77f9f..00000000
--- a/deployment/playbooks/generate-tests-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-# Run this playbook this way:
-# $ tox -e ocp3.11 -- ansible-playbook -i ocp-master-node-hostname-or-ip, \
-# playbooks/generate-tests-config.yaml \
-# -e output_filepath=tests-config.yaml \
-# -e additional_devices=/dev/sdf
-# Supported vars:
-# - output_filepath: optional. Defines path for an output tests config file.
-# - additional_devices: optional. Device names like "/dev/sdf" separated by
-# comma. Should be bare devices which can be attached to a Heketi cluster.
-# If it is not specified or empty, then appropriate test cases will be
-# skipped.
-# - master_ip: optional. Will be used as master node IP address if provided.
-# Requirements:
-# - 'yedit' module should be enabled. It will be enabled running this playbook
-# via 'tox' command.
-# - playbook should run only on one host - OpenShift master node.
-# Notes:
-# - tox's env name can be any of the following:
-# 'ocp3.6', 'ocp3.7', 'ocp3.9', 'ocp3.10' or 'ocp3.11'. The criterion is
-# to have 'yedit' module enabled. Which is enabled in any of those envs.
-- hosts: all[0]
- gather_facts: no
- tasks:
- - name: Read full hostname of the master node
- shell: "hostname -f"
- register: master_hostname_raw
- - name: Init vars
- set_fact:
- master_hostname: "{{ master_hostname_raw.stdout.strip() }}"
- master_ip: "{{ master_ip | default(hostvars.keys()[0]) }}"
- output_filepath: "{{
- output_filepath | default('../tests-config.yaml') }}"
- additional_devices_list: []
- - name: Process specified additional devices
- set_fact:
- additional_devices_list: "{{ additional_devices_list + [item] }}"
- with_items: "{{ (additional_devices | default('')).split(',') }}"
- when: item.strip() != ''
- - name: Read namespace of a Heketi deployment config
- shell: "oc get dc --all-namespaces | grep -e heketi | grep -v registry | awk '{ print $1}'"
- register: heketi_namespace_raw
- - name: Save namespace name in a separate var
- set_fact:
- heketi_namespace: "{{ heketi_namespace_raw.stdout.strip() }}"
- - name: Read Heketi dc name
- shell: "oc get dc -n {{ heketi_namespace
- }} | grep heketi | awk '{ print $1}'"
- register: heketi_dc_name_raw
- - name: Read Heketi svc name
- shell: "oc get svc -n {{ heketi_namespace
- }} | grep -e heketi | grep -v heketi-db | awk '{ print $1}'"
- register: heketi_svc_name_raw
- - name: Save Heketi DC and SVC names in separate vars
- set_fact:
- heketi_dc_name: "{{ heketi_dc_name_raw.stdout.strip() }}"
- heketi_svc_name: "{{ heketi_svc_name_raw.stdout.strip() }}"
- - name: Read Heketi service IP address
- shell: "oc get svc {{ heketi_svc_name }} -n {{ heketi_namespace
- }} -o=custom-columns=:.spec.clusterIP --no-headers"
- register: heketi_ip_raw
- - name: Read Heketi admin's secret
- shell: oc get dc -n {{ heketi_namespace }} {{ heketi_dc_name
- }} -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[0].env[?(
- "HEKETI_ADMIN_KEY")].value}'
- register: heketi_admin_secret_raw
- - name: Save Heketi admin secret to a var
- set_fact:
- heketi_admin_secret: "{{ heketi_admin_secret_raw.stdout.strip() }}"
- - name: Read Gluster nodes addresses
- shell: "heketi-cli --server=http://{{
- heketi_ip_raw.stdout.strip() }}:8080 --user=admin --secret={{
- heketi_admin_secret }} topology info --json |
- python -c \"from __future__ import print_function; import sys, json;
- topology = json.loads(sys.stdin.readlines()[0]);
- ips = [(n['hostnames']['manage'][0], n['hostnames']['storage'][0])
- for n in topology['clusters'][0]['nodes']];
- [print(ip[0], ip[1]) for ip in ips]\""
- register: gluster_nodes_addresses_raw
- - name: Process gluster data and save it to a var
- set_fact:
- gluster_servers_data: "{{ gluster_servers_data | default({}) | combine(
- {item.split(' ')[1]: {
- 'manage': item.split(' ')[0], 'storage': item.split(' ')[1],
- 'additional_devices': additional_devices_list,
- }}
- )}}"
- with_items: "{{ gluster_nodes_addresses_raw.stdout_lines }}"
- - name: Save all the calculated data to the tests config file
- delegate_to: localhost
- connection: local
- yedit:
- src: "{{ output_filepath }}"
- state: present
- backup: false
- edits:
- - key: common
- value:
- stop_on_first_failure: false
- - key: gluster_servers
- value: "{{ gluster_servers_data }}"
- - key: ocp_servers.client
- value: "{{ {master_ip: {'hostname': master_hostname}} }}"
- - key: ocp_servers.master
- value: "{{ {master_ip: {'hostname': master_hostname}} }}"
- - key: ocp_servers.nodes
- value: {}
- - key: openshift.storage_project_name
- value: "{{ heketi_namespace }}"
- - key: openshift.dynamic_provisioning.storage_classes.block_storage_class
- value:
- chapauthenabled: "true"
- hacount: "3"
- provisioner: ""
- restsecretnamespace: "{{ heketi_namespace }}"
- resturl: "http://{{ master_ip }}:8080"
- restuser: "admin"
- volumenameprefix: "autotests-block"
- - key: openshift.dynamic_provisioning.storage_classes.file_storage_class
- value:
- provisioner: ""
- resturl: "http://{{ master_ip }}:8080"
- restuser: "admin"
- secretnamespace: "{{ heketi_namespace }}"
- volumenameprefix: "autotests-file"
- - key: openshift.heketi_config
- value:
- heketi_cli_key: "{{ heketi_admin_secret }}"
- heketi_cli_user: "admin"
- heketi_client_node: "{{ master_ip }}"
- heketi_dc_name: "{{ heketi_dc_name }}"
- heketi_server_url: "http://{{ master_ip }}:8080"
- heketi_service_name: "{{ heketi_svc_name }}"