path: root/deployment/playbooks/cns-setup.yaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deployment/playbooks/cns-setup.yaml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/deployment/playbooks/cns-setup.yaml b/deployment/playbooks/cns-setup.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ce17cc08..00000000
--- a/deployment/playbooks/cns-setup.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-- hosts: cns
- tasks:
- - name: Install required kernel modules on CNS nodes
- import_role:
- name: openshift_storage_glusterfs
- tasks_from: kernel_modules.yml
-- name: Restart dnsmasq to make our custom configs take effect
- hosts: allnodes
- tasks:
- - service:
- name: dnsmasq
- state: restarted
-- hosts: single_master
- tasks:
- - name: Perform actions on master node which are required to install CNS
- import_role:
- name: openshift_storage_glusterfs
- vars:
- openshift_storage_glusterfs_name: 'storage'
- openshift_storage_glusterfs_namespace: 'storage'
- openshift_storage_glusterfs_is_native: true
- openshift_storage_glusterfs_storageclass: true
- openshift_storage_glusterfs_block_storageclass: true
- openshift_storage_glusterfs_s3_deploy: false
- openshift_storage_glusterfs_heketi_admin_key: "{{
- (dp_tool_heketi_admin_key.strip() != '') |
- ternary(dp_tool_heketi_admin_key.strip(), omit) }}"
- openshift_storage_glusterfs_heketi_user_key: "{{
- (dp_tool_heketi_user_key.strip() != '') |
- ternary(dp_tool_heketi_user_key.strip(), omit) }}"
- openshift_storage_glusterfs_heketi_topology_load: true
- - name: Allow to expand PVCs using 'glusterfs' storageclass.
- oc_edit:
- kind: sc
- name: glusterfs-{{ glusterfs_name }}
- content:
- allowVolumeExpansion: true
- when: openshift_vers not in ['v3_6', 'v3_7']
-- name: Get IP address of the node with router
- hosts: single_master
- tasks:
- - command: "oc get endpoints router -o=custom-columns=:.subsets[*].addresses[0].ip -n default"
- register: router_get
- - set_fact:
- router_ip: "{{ router_get.stdout_lines[1].strip() }}"
- delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
- delegate_facts: True
- with_items: "{{ groups['allnodes'] }}"
-- name: Update dnsmasq config with custom domain zone for apps
- hosts: allnodes
- tasks:
- - lineinfile:
- path: /etc/dnsmasq.conf
- line: "address=/.{{ app_dns_prefix }}.{{ dns_zone }}/{{ router_ip }}"
- - service:
- name: dnsmasq
- state: restarted
-- hosts: single_master
- tasks:
- - name: Get IPv4 address of the main master node
- command: "python -c \"import yaml ;
- config = yaml.load(open('/etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml', 'r'));
- print(config['kubernetesMasterConfig']['masterIP'])
- \""
- register: master_ipv4
- - set_fact:
- master_ipv4: "{{ master_ipv4.stdout_lines[0] }}"
- - name: Read Heketi dc name
- shell: "oc get dc -n storage | grep heketi | awk '{ print $1}'"
- register: heketi_dc_name_raw
- - name: Read Heketi svc name
- shell: "oc get svc -n storage | grep -e heketi | grep -v heketi-db | awk '{ print $1}'"
- register: heketi_svc_name_raw
- - name: Save Heketi DC and SVC names in separate vars
- set_fact:
- heketi_dc_name: "{{ heketi_dc_name_raw.stdout.strip() }}"
- heketi_svc_name: "{{ heketi_svc_name_raw.stdout.strip() }}"
- - command: "oc patch svc {{ heketi_svc_name }} --namespace storage
- -p '{\"spec\":{\"externalIPs\":[\"{{ master_ipv4 }}\"]}}'"
- run_once: true
-# Following updates config file
-# which is required for automated tests from 'cns-automation' repo
-- name: Update 'cns-automation' config file
- hosts: localhost
- tasks:
- - set_fact:
- master_ipv4: "{{ hostvars[groups['single_master'][0]].master_ipv4 }}"
- - yedit:
- src: "{{ cns_automation_config_file_path }}"
- state: present
- edits:
- - key: openshift.storage_project_name
- value: "storage"
- - key: openshift.heketi_config.heketi_dc_name
- value: "{{ hostvars[groups['single_master'][0]].heketi_dc_name }}"
- - key: openshift.heketi_config.heketi_service_name
- value: "{{ hostvars[groups['single_master'][0]].heketi_svc_name }}"
- - key: openshift.heketi_config.heketi_client_node
- value: "{{ master_ipv4 }}"
- - key: openshift.heketi_config.heketi_server_url
- value: "http://{{ master_ipv4 }}:8080"
- - key: openshift.heketi_config.heketi_cli_user
- value: 'admin'
- - key: openshift.heketi_config.heketi_cli_key
- value: "{{ dp_tool_heketi_admin_key }}"
- - key: openshift.dynamic_provisioning.storage_classes
- value:
- file_storage_class:
- provisioner: ""
- resturl: "http://{{ master_ipv4 }}:8080"
- restuser: "admin"
- secretnamespace: "storage"
- volumenameprefix: "autotests-file"
- block_storage_class:
- provisioner: ""
- resturl: "http://{{ master_ipv4 }}:8080"
- restuser: "admin"
- restsecretnamespace: "storage"
- volumenameprefix: "autotests-block"
- hacount: "3"
- chapauthenabled: "true"
- when: cns_automation_config_file_path | length > 0
- run_once: true
-- name: Install 'heketi-client' package on all the master nodes
- hosts: master
- gather_facts: no
- tasks:
- - name: Get Heketi POD name on master node
- command: "oc get pods -l glusterfs=heketi-storage-pod --no-headers {{ ''
- }} --namespace storage"
- register: heketi_pod_name
- - name: Read heketi-client package version from Heketi POD
- shell: "oc exec --namespace storage {{ heketi_pod_name.stdout_lines[0]
- }} -- rpm -q heketi-client --queryformat{{ ''
- }} '%{version}-%{release}\n' | cut -d '.' -f 1,2,3"
- register: heketi_client_version
- - name: Enable Gluster 3 repo on master node
- import_role:
- name: enable-gluster-repo
- - name: Remove existing heketi client from master node if present
- package:
- name: "heketi-client"
- state: absent
- retries: 5
- delay: 5
- register: result
- until: result is succeeded
- - name: Install heketi client on master node for CNS and CRS needs
- package:
- name: "heketi-client-{{heketi_client_version.stdout_lines[0].strip() }}*"
- state: present
- retries: 5
- delay: 5
- register: result
- until: result is succeeded