path: root/cns-libs/cnslibs/common
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cns-libs/cnslibs/common')
2 files changed, 169 insertions, 463 deletions
diff --git a/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/ b/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7580eb77..00000000
--- a/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from string import Template
-import json
-import os
-import tempfile
-from glusto.core import Glusto as g
-from glustolibs.misc.misc_libs import upload_scripts
-import rtyaml
-from cnslibs.common import exceptions
-from cnslibs.common.waiter import Waiter
-TEMPLATE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-def create_script_template_file(hostname, template_file_path, src_dir_path,
- dest_dir_path, params):
- """Update the templates with the parameters and upload to openshift
- master node
- Args:
- template_file_path (str): template file which need to be updated
- src_dir_path (str): source path of template file
- dest_dir_path (str): directory path to which template file
- to be generated
- params (dict): key, val pair to update template file
- Raises:
- Raises AssertionError in case of failure
- """
- src_path = os.path.join(src_dir_path, template_file_path)
- contents = Template(open(src_path).read())
- contents = contents.safe_substitute(params)
- dest_path = os.path.join(dest_dir_path, template_file_path)
- try:
- conn = g.rpyc_get_connection(hostname, user="root")
- if conn is None:
- g.log.error("Failed to get rpyc connection of node %s"
- % hostname)
- raise AssertionError("Failed to get rpyc connection of node %s"
- % hostname)
- with, 'w') as data_file:
- data_file.write(contents)
- except Exception as err:
- g.log.error("failed to create script file %s" % err)
- raise
- finally:
- g.rpyc_close_connection(hostname, user="root")
-def create_pvc_file(hostname, claim_name, storage_class, size):
- '''
- This function creates pvc file
- Args:
- hostname (str): hostname on which we need to
- create pvc file
- claim_name (str): name of the claim
- ex: storage-claim1
- storage_class(str): name of the storage class
- size (int): size of the claim in GB
- ex: 10 (for 10GB claim)
- Returns:
- bool: True if successful,
- otherwise False
- '''
- with open(os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR,
- "sample-glusterfs-pvc-claim.json")) as data_file:
- data = json.load(data_file, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
- data['metadata']['annotations'][
- ''] = storage_class
- data['metadata']['name'] = claim_name
- data['spec']['resources']['requests']['storage'] = "%dGi" % size
- try:
- conn = g.rpyc_get_connection(hostname, user="root")
- if conn is None:
- g.log.error("Failed to get rpyc connection of node %s"
- % hostname)
- return False
- with'/%s.json' % claim_name, 'w') as data_file:
- json.dump(data, data_file, sort_keys=False,
- indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
- except Exception as err:
- g.log.error("failed to create pvc file %s" % err)
- return False
- finally:
- g.rpyc_close_connection(hostname, user="root")
-"creation of pvc file %s successful" % claim_name)
- return True
-def create_app_pod_file(hostname, claim_name, app_name, sample_app_name):
- '''
- This function creates app_pod_name file
- Args:
- hostname (str): hostname on which we need to
- create app pod file
- claim_name (str): name of the claim
- ex: storage-claim1
- app_name (str): name of the app-pod to create
- ex: nginx1
- sample_app_name (str): sample-app-pod-name
- ex: nginx
- Returns:
- bool: True if successful,
- otherwise False
- '''
- data = rtyaml.load(open(
- os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, "sample-%s-pod.yaml" % sample_app_name)))
- data['spec']['volumes'][0]['persistentVolumeClaim'][
- 'claimName'] = claim_name
- data['metadata']['name'] = app_name
- data['spec']['containers'][0]['name'] = app_name
- try:
- conn = g.rpyc_get_connection(hostname, user="root")
- if conn is None:
- g.log.error("Failed to get rpyc connection of node %s"
- % hostname)
- return False
- rtyaml.dump(data,'/%s.yaml' % app_name, "w"))
- except Exception as err:
- g.log.error("failed to create app file %s" % err)
- return False
- finally:
- g.rpyc_close_connection(hostname, user="root")
-"creation of %s app file successful" % app_name)
- return True
-def create_secret_file(hostname, secret_name, namespace,
- data_key, secret_type):
- '''
- This function creates secret yaml file
- Args:
- hostname (str): hostname on which we need to create
- secret yaml file
- sc_name (str): secret name ex: heketi-secret
- namespace (str): namespace ex: storage-project
- data_key (str): data-key ex: cGFzc3dvcmQ=
- secret_type (str): type ex:
- or
- Returns:
- bool: True if successful,
- otherwise False
- '''
- data = rtyaml.load(open(
- os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, "sample-glusterfs-secret.yaml")))
- data['metadata']['name'] = secret_name
- data['data']['key'] = data_key
- data['metadata']['namespace'] = namespace
- data['type'] = secret_type
- try:
- conn = g.rpyc_get_connection(hostname, user="root")
- if conn is None:
- g.log.error("Failed to get rpyc connection of node %s"
- % hostname)
- return False
- rtyaml.dump(data,'/%s.yaml' % secret_name, "w"))
- except Exception as err:
- g.log.error("failed to create %s.yaml file %s" % (secret_name, err))
- return False
- finally:
- g.rpyc_close_connection(hostname, user="root")
-"creation of %s.yaml file successful" % secret_name)
- return True
-def create_storage_class_file(hostname, sc_name, resturl,
- provisioner, **kwargs):
- '''
- This function creates storageclass yaml file
- Args:
- hostname (str): hostname on which we need to create
- stoargeclass yaml file
- sc_name (str): stoargeclass name ex: fast
- resturl (str): resturl
- ex:
- provisioner (str): provisioner
- ex:
- or
- auth (bool): Authorization
- ex: True/False
- Kwargs:
- **kwargs
- The keys, values in kwargs are:
- restuser:str ex: username: test-admin
- hacount:int ex: hacount:3
- clusterids:str
- ex: clusterids: "630372ccdc720a92c681fb928f27b53f"
- chapauthenabled:bool ex: chapauthenabled:True/False
- restauthenabled:bool ex: restauthenabled:True/False
- secretnamespace:str ex: secretnamespace:"storage-project"
- secretname:str ex: secretname:"heketi-secret"
- restsecretnamespace:str
- ex: restsecretnamespace:"storage-project"
- restsecretname:str ex: restsecretname:"heketi-secret"
- volumenameprefix:str ex: "dept_qe"
- Returns:
- bool: True if successful,
- otherwise False
- '''
- data = rtyaml.load(open(
- os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, "sample-glusterfs-storageclass.yaml")))
- data['metadata']['name'] = sc_name
- data['parameters']['resturl'] = resturl
- data['provisioner'] = provisioner
- for key in ('secretnamespace', 'restuser', 'secretname',
- 'restauthenabled', 'restsecretnamespace',
- 'restsecretname', 'hacount', 'clusterids',
- 'chapauthenabled', 'volumenameprefix'):
- if kwargs.get(key):
- data['parameters'][key] = kwargs.get(key)
- try:
- conn = g.rpyc_get_connection(hostname, user="root")
- if conn is None:
- g.log.error("Failed to get rpyc connection of node %s"
- % hostname)
- return False
- provisioner_name = provisioner.split("/")
- file_path = ("/%s-%s-storage-class"
- ".yaml" % (
- sc_name, provisioner_name[1]))
- rtyaml.dump(data,, "w"))
- except Exception as err:
- g.log.error("failed to create storage-class file %s" % err)
- return False
- finally:
- g.rpyc_close_connection(hostname, user="root")
-"creation of %s-storage-class file successful" % sc_name)
- return True
-def wait_for_pod_be_ready(hostname, pod_name,
- timeout=1200, wait_step=60):
- '''
- This funciton waits for pod to be in ready state
- Args:
- hostname (str): hostname on which we want to check the pod status
- pod_name (str): pod_name for which we need the status
- timeout (int): timeout value,,
- default value is 1200 sec
- wait_step( int): wait step,
- default value is 60 sec
- Returns:
- bool: True if pod status is Running and ready state,
- otherwise Raise Exception
- '''
- for w in Waiter(timeout, wait_step):
- # command to find pod status and its phase
- cmd = ("oc get pods %s -o=custom-columns="
- ":.status.containerStatuses[0].ready,"
- ":.status.phase") % pod_name
- ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
- if ret != 0:
- msg = ("failed to execute cmd %s" % cmd)
- g.log.error(msg)
- raise exceptions.ExecutionError(msg)
- output = out.strip().split()
- # command to find if pod is ready
- if output[0] == "true" and output[1] == "Running":
-"pod %s is in ready state and is "
- "Running" % pod_name)
- return True
- elif output[1] == "Error":
- msg = ("pod %s status error" % pod_name)
- g.log.error(msg)
- raise exceptions.ExecutionError(msg)
- else:
-"pod %s ready state is %s,"
- " phase is %s,"
- " sleeping for %s sec" % (
- pod_name, output[0],
- output[1], wait_step))
- continue
- if w.expired:
- err_msg = ("exceeded timeout %s for waiting for pod %s "
- "to be in ready state" % (timeout, pod_name))
- g.log.error(err_msg)
- raise exceptions.ExecutionError(err_msg)
-def get_pod_name_from_dc(hostname, dc_name,
- timeout=1200, wait_step=60):
- '''
- This funciton return pod_name from dc_name
- Args:
- hostname (str): hostname on which we can execute oc
- commands
- dc_name (str): deployment_confidg name
- timeout (int): timeout value
- default value is 1200 sec
- wait_step( int): wait step,
- default value is 60 sec
- Returns:
- str: pod_name if successful
- otherwise Raise Exception
- '''
- cmd = ("oc get pods --all-namespaces -o=custom-columns="
- " "
- "--no-headers=true "
- "--selector deploymentconfig=%s" % dc_name)
- for w in Waiter(timeout, wait_step):
- ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
- if ret != 0:
- msg = ("failed to execute cmd %s" % cmd)
- g.log.error(msg)
- raise exceptions.ExecutionError(msg)
- output = out.strip()
- if output == "":
-"podname for dc %s not found sleeping for "
- "%s sec" % (dc_name, wait_step))
- continue
- else:
-"podname is %s for dc %s" % (
- output, dc_name))
- return output
- if w.expired:
- err_msg = ("exceeded timeout %s for waiting for pod_name"
- "for dc %s " % (timeout, dc_name))
- g.log.error(err_msg)
- raise exceptions.ExecutionError(err_msg)
-def create_mongodb_pod(hostname, pvc_name, pvc_size, sc_name):
- '''
- This function creates mongodb pod
- Args:
- hostname (str): hostname on which we want to create
- mongodb pod
- pvc_name (str): name of the pvc
- ex: pvc-claim1
- sc_name (str): name of the storage class
- ex: fast
- Returns: True if successfull,
- False otherwise
- '''
- template_path = os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, "mongodb-template.json")
- with open(template_path, 'r') as template_f:
- data = json.load(template_f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
- data['objects'][1]['metadata']['annotations'][
- ''] = sc_name
- tmp_fd, tmp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(
- prefix='cns-automation-mongodb-pvcname-%s-' % pvc_name, suffix='.json')
- dst_dir = '/tmp'
- dst_path = os.path.join(dst_dir, os.path.basename(tmp_path))
- try:
- with os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'w') as tmp_f:
- json.dump(
- data, tmp_f, sort_keys=False, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
- if not upload_scripts(hostname, tmp_path, dst_dir, "root"):
- g.log.error("Failed to upload mongodp template to %s" % hostname)
- return False
- finally:
- os.remove(tmp_path)
- try:
- conn = g.rpyc_get_connection(hostname, user="root")
- if conn is None:
- g.log.error("Failed to get rpyc connection of node %s"
- % hostname)
- return False
- cmd = ("oc new-app %s --param=DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME=%s "
- "--param=VOLUME_CAPACITY=%sGi") % (
- dst_path, pvc_name, pvc_size)
- ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
- if ret != 0:
- g.log.error("failed to execute cmd %s on %s" % (cmd, hostname))
- return False
- except Exception as err:
- g.log.error("failed to create mongodb pod %s" % err)
- return False
- finally:
- g.rpyc_close_connection(hostname, user="root")
-"creation of mongodb pod successfull")
- return True
-def get_pvc_status(hostname, pvc_name):
- '''
- This function verifies the if pod is running
- Args:
- hostname (str): hostname on which we want
- to check the pvc status
- pvc_name (str): pod_name for which we
- need the status
- Returns:
- bool, status (str): True, status of pvc
- otherwise False, error message.
- '''
- cmd = "oc get pvc | grep %s | awk '{print $2}'" % pvc_name
- ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
- if ret != 0:
- g.log.error("failed to execute cmd %s" % cmd)
- return False, err
- output = out.strip().split("\n")[0].strip()
- return True, output
-def verify_pvc_status_is_bound(hostname, pvc_name, timeout=120, wait_step=3):
- """Verify that PVC gets 'Bound' status in required time.
- Args:
- hostname (str): hostname on which we will execute oc commands
- pvc_name (str): name of PVC to check status of
- timeout (int): total time in seconds we are ok to wait
- for 'Bound' status of a PVC
- wait_step (int): time in seconds we will sleep before checking a PVC
- status again.
- Returns: None
- Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError in case of errors.
- """
- pvc_not_found_counter = 0
- for w in Waiter(timeout, wait_step):
- ret, output = get_pvc_status(hostname, pvc_name)
- if ret is not True:
- msg = ("Failed to execute 'get' command for '%s' PVC. "
- "Got following responce: %s" % (pvc_name, output))
- g.log.error(msg)
- raise exceptions.ExecutionError(msg)
- if output == "":
-"PVC '%s' not found, sleeping for %s "
- "sec." % (pvc_name, wait_step))
- if pvc_not_found_counter > 0:
- msg = ("PVC '%s' has not been found 2 times already. "
- "Make sure you provided correct PVC name." % pvc_name)
- else:
- pvc_not_found_counter += 1
- continue
- elif output == "Pending":
-"PVC '%s' is in Pending state, sleeping for %s "
- "sec" % (pvc_name, wait_step))
- continue
- elif output == "Bound":
-"PVC '%s' is in Bound state." % pvc_name)
- return pvc_name
- elif output == "Error":
- msg = "PVC '%s' is in 'Error' state." % pvc_name
- g.log.error(msg)
- else:
- msg = "PVC %s has different status - %s" % (pvc_name, output)
- g.log.error(msg)
- if msg:
- raise AssertionError(msg)
- if w.expired:
- # for debug purpose to see why provisioning failed
- cmd = "oc describe pvc %s | grep ProvisioningFailed" % pvc_name
- ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
-"cmd %s - out- %s err- %s" % (cmd, out, err))
- msg = ("Exceeded timeout of '%s' seconds for verifying PVC '%s' "
- "to reach the 'Bound' status." % (timeout, pvc_name))
- g.log.error(msg)
- raise AssertionError(msg)
diff --git a/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/ b/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/
index 6fecd29b..f6d73992 100644
--- a/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/
+++ b/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/
@@ -17,9 +17,6 @@ from cnslibs.common import command
from cnslibs.common import exceptions
from cnslibs.common import utils
from cnslibs.common import waiter
-from cnslibs.common.dynamic_provisioning import (
- wait_for_pod_be_ready)
PODS_WIDE_RE = re.compile(
@@ -735,3 +732,172 @@ def get_gluster_vol_info_by_pvc_name(ocp_node, pvc_name):
vol_info = vol_info[list(vol_info.keys())[0]]
vol_info["gluster_vol_id"] = vol_id
return vol_info
+def wait_for_pod_be_ready(hostname, pod_name,
+ timeout=1200, wait_step=60):
+ '''
+ This funciton waits for pod to be in ready state
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): hostname on which we want to check the pod status
+ pod_name (str): pod_name for which we need the status
+ timeout (int): timeout value,,
+ default value is 1200 sec
+ wait_step( int): wait step,
+ default value is 60 sec
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if pod status is Running and ready state,
+ otherwise Raise Exception
+ '''
+ for w in waiter.Waiter(timeout, wait_step):
+ # command to find pod status and its phase
+ cmd = ("oc get pods %s -o=custom-columns="
+ ":.status.containerStatuses[0].ready,"
+ ":.status.phase") % pod_name
+ ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0:
+ msg = ("failed to execute cmd %s" % cmd)
+ g.log.error(msg)
+ raise exceptions.ExecutionError(msg)
+ output = out.strip().split()
+ # command to find if pod is ready
+ if output[0] == "true" and output[1] == "Running":
+"pod %s is in ready state and is "
+ "Running" % pod_name)
+ return True
+ elif output[1] == "Error":
+ msg = ("pod %s status error" % pod_name)
+ g.log.error(msg)
+ raise exceptions.ExecutionError(msg)
+ else:
+"pod %s ready state is %s,"
+ " phase is %s,"
+ " sleeping for %s sec" % (
+ pod_name, output[0],
+ output[1], wait_step))
+ continue
+ if w.expired:
+ err_msg = ("exceeded timeout %s for waiting for pod %s "
+ "to be in ready state" % (timeout, pod_name))
+ g.log.error(err_msg)
+ raise exceptions.ExecutionError(err_msg)
+def get_pod_name_from_dc(hostname, dc_name,
+ timeout=1200, wait_step=60):
+ '''
+ This funciton return pod_name from dc_name
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): hostname on which we can execute oc
+ commands
+ dc_name (str): deployment_confidg name
+ timeout (int): timeout value
+ default value is 1200 sec
+ wait_step( int): wait step,
+ default value is 60 sec
+ Returns:
+ str: pod_name if successful
+ otherwise Raise Exception
+ '''
+ cmd = ("oc get pods --all-namespaces -o=custom-columns="
+ " "
+ "--no-headers=true "
+ "--selector deploymentconfig=%s" % dc_name)
+ for w in waiter.Waiter(timeout, wait_step):
+ ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0:
+ msg = ("failed to execute cmd %s" % cmd)
+ g.log.error(msg)
+ raise exceptions.ExecutionError(msg)
+ output = out.strip()
+ if output == "":
+"podname for dc %s not found sleeping for "
+ "%s sec" % (dc_name, wait_step))
+ continue
+ else:
+"podname is %s for dc %s" % (
+ output, dc_name))
+ return output
+ if w.expired:
+ err_msg = ("exceeded timeout %s for waiting for pod_name"
+ "for dc %s " % (timeout, dc_name))
+ g.log.error(err_msg)
+ raise exceptions.ExecutionError(err_msg)
+def get_pvc_status(hostname, pvc_name):
+ '''
+ This function verifies the if pod is running
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): hostname on which we want
+ to check the pvc status
+ pvc_name (str): pod_name for which we
+ need the status
+ Returns:
+ bool, status (str): True, status of pvc
+ otherwise False, error message.
+ '''
+ cmd = "oc get pvc | grep %s | awk '{print $2}'" % pvc_name
+ ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0:
+ g.log.error("failed to execute cmd %s" % cmd)
+ return False, err
+ output = out.strip().split("\n")[0].strip()
+ return True, output
+def verify_pvc_status_is_bound(hostname, pvc_name, timeout=120, wait_step=3):
+ """Verify that PVC gets 'Bound' status in required time.
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): hostname on which we will execute oc commands
+ pvc_name (str): name of PVC to check status of
+ timeout (int): total time in seconds we are ok to wait
+ for 'Bound' status of a PVC
+ wait_step (int): time in seconds we will sleep before checking a PVC
+ status again.
+ Returns: None
+ Raises: exceptions.ExecutionError in case of errors.
+ """
+ pvc_not_found_counter = 0
+ for w in waiter.Waiter(timeout, wait_step):
+ ret, output = get_pvc_status(hostname, pvc_name)
+ if ret is not True:
+ msg = ("Failed to execute 'get' command for '%s' PVC. "
+ "Got following responce: %s" % (pvc_name, output))
+ g.log.error(msg)
+ raise exceptions.ExecutionError(msg)
+ if output == "":
+"PVC '%s' not found, sleeping for %s "
+ "sec." % (pvc_name, wait_step))
+ if pvc_not_found_counter > 0:
+ msg = ("PVC '%s' has not been found 2 times already. "
+ "Make sure you provided correct PVC name." % pvc_name)
+ else:
+ pvc_not_found_counter += 1
+ continue
+ elif output == "Pending":
+"PVC '%s' is in Pending state, sleeping for %s "
+ "sec" % (pvc_name, wait_step))
+ continue
+ elif output == "Bound":
+"PVC '%s' is in Bound state." % pvc_name)
+ return pvc_name
+ elif output == "Error":
+ msg = "PVC '%s' is in 'Error' state." % pvc_name
+ g.log.error(msg)
+ else:
+ msg = "PVC %s has different status - %s" % (pvc_name, output)
+ g.log.error(msg)
+ if msg:
+ raise AssertionError(msg)
+ if w.expired:
+ # for debug purpose to see why provisioning failed
+ cmd = "oc describe pvc %s | grep ProvisioningFailed" % pvc_name
+ ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
+"cmd %s - out- %s err- %s" % (cmd, out, err))
+ msg = ("Exceeded timeout of '%s' seconds for verifying PVC '%s' "
+ "to reach the 'Bound' status." % (timeout, pvc_name))
+ g.log.error(msg)
+ raise AssertionError(msg)