import os, sys, string import subprocess num_replica = 2 num_stripe = 4 cache_size = "1GB" class CreateVolfile: def __init__ (self, servers, server, volume_name, transport, transports, port, auth_param, ib_port, confdir, args): self.hosts = servers = server self.volume_name = volume_name self.transport = transport self.transports = transports self.gfs_port = port self.gfs_ib_port = port + 1 self.auth_parameters = auth_param self.ib_devport = ib_port self.num_servers = len (self.hosts.keys()) self.conf_dir = confdir self.arguments = args def create_mount_volfile (self, raid_type): if self.conf_dir: mount_fd = file ("%s/%s-%s.vol" % (self.conf_dir, str(self.volume_name), str(self.transport)), "w") else: mount_fd = file ("%s-%s.vol" % (str(self.volume_name), str(self.transport)), "w") print "Generating client volfiles.. for transport '%s'" % (self.transport) num_stripe = 4 num_replica = 2 cmdline = string.join (sys.argv, ' ') mount_fd.write ("## file auto generated by %s (mount.vol)\n" % sys.argv[0]) mount_fd.write ("# Cmd line:\n") mount_fd.write ("# $ %s\n\n" % cmdline) if raid_type is not None: # Used for later usage mount_fd.write ("# RAID %d\n" % raid_type) mount_fd.write ("# TRANSPORT-TYPE %s\n" % self.transport) subvolumes = [] for host in self.hosts.keys(): i = 1 for exports in self.hosts[host]: mount_fd.write ("volume %s-%s\n" % (host,i)) mount_fd.write (" type protocol/client\n") mount_fd.write (" option transport-type %s\n" % self.transport) command = "dig %s | grep '^%s'" % (host, host) ps = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) ipaddress = host if ps.wait() == 0: output = ps.communicate() ipaddress = output[0].split()[-1] mount_fd.write (" option remote-host %s\n" % ipaddress) if self.transport == 'ib-verbs': mount_fd.write (" option transport.ib-verbs.port %d\n" % self.ib_devport) mount_fd.write (" option transport.remote-port %d\n" % self.gfs_ib_port) if self.transport == 'tcp': mount_fd.write (" option transport.socket.nodelay on\n") mount_fd.write (" option transport.remote-port %d\n" % self.gfs_port) mount_fd.write (" option remote-subvolume brick%s\n" % i) mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n") i += 1 exportlist = {} for entry in self.arguments: node = entry.split(':')[0] if not exportlist.has_key(node): exportlist[node] = 1 else: exportlist[node] += 1 subvolumes.append(str(node) + '-' + str(exportlist[node])) if raid_type == 1: if (len(subvolumes) % num_replica) != 0: print "raid type (%d) and number of volumes (%d) invalid" % (raid_type, len(subvolumes)) sys.exit (1) if raid_type == 0: if (len(subvolumes) % num_stripe) != 0: print "raid type (%d) and number of volumes (%d) invalid" % (raid_type, len(subvolumes)) sys.exit (1) # Stripe section.. if given if raid_type is 0: max_stripe_idx = len (subvolumes) / num_stripe stripe_idx = 0 index = 0 while index < max_stripe_idx: mount_fd.write ("volume stripe-%d\n" % index) mount_fd.write (" type cluster/stripe\n") mount_fd.write (" subvolumes %s %s %s %s\n" % (subvolumes[stripe_idx], subvolumes[stripe_idx+1], subvolumes[stripe_idx+2], subvolumes[stripe_idx+3])) mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n") stripe_idx += 4 index +=1 # Replicate section if raid_type is 1: max_mirror_idx = len (subvolumes) / num_replica mirror_idx = 0 index = 0 while index < max_mirror_idx: mount_fd.write ("volume mirror-%d\n" % index) mount_fd.write (" type cluster/replicate\n") mount_fd.write (" subvolumes %s %s\n" % (subvolumes[mirror_idx], subvolumes[mirror_idx+1])) mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n") mirror_idx += 2 index += 1 # Distribute section if raid_type is 0: subvolumes = [] flag = 0 while flag < index: subvolumes.append ("stripe-%d" % flag) flag += 1 if raid_type is 1: subvolumes = [] flag = 0 while flag < index: subvolumes.append ("mirror-%d" % flag) flag += 1 if len (subvolumes) > 1: mount_fd.write ("volume distribute\n") mount_fd.write (" type cluster/distribute\n") mount_fd.write (" subvolumes %s\n" % string.join (subvolumes,' ')) mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n") subvolumes[0] = "distribute" mount_fd.write ("volume writebehind\n") mount_fd.write (" type performance/write-behind\n") mount_fd.write (" option cache-size 4MB\n") mount_fd.write (" subvolumes %s\n" % subvolumes[0]) mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n") mount_fd.write ("volume io-cache\n") mount_fd.write (" type performance/io-cache\n") mount_fd.write (" option cache-size %s\n" % cache_size) mount_fd.write (" subvolumes writebehind\n") mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n") return def create_export_volfile (self): cmdline = string.join (sys.argv, ' ') if self.conf_dir: exp_fd = file ("%s/%s-export.vol" % (self.conf_dir, str( + '-' + self.volume_name)),"w") else: exp_fd = file ("%s-export.vol" % (str( + '-' + self.volume_name)),"w") print "Generating server volfiles.. for server '%s'" % ( exp_fd.write ("## file auto generated by %s (export.vol)\n" % sys.argv[0]) exp_fd.write ("# Cmd line:\n") exp_fd.write ("# $ %s\n\n" % cmdline) total_bricks = [] i=1 for export in self.hosts[]: exp_fd.write ("volume posix%d\n" % i) exp_fd.write (" type storage/posix\n") exp_fd.write (" option directory %s\n" % export) exp_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n") exp_fd.write ("volume locks%d\n" % i) exp_fd.write (" type features/locks\n") exp_fd.write (" subvolumes posix%d\n" % i) exp_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n") exp_fd.write ("volume brick%d\n" % i) exp_fd.write (" type performance/io-threads\n") exp_fd.write (" option thread-count 8\n") exp_fd.write (" subvolumes locks%d\n" % i) exp_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n") total_bricks.append("brick%s" % i) i += 1 for transport in self.transports: exp_fd.write ("volume server-%s\n" % transport) exp_fd.write (" type protocol/server\n") exp_fd.write (" option transport-type %s\n" % transport) for brick in total_bricks: exp_fd.write (" option auth.addr.%s.allow %s\n" % (brick, self.auth_parameters)) if transport == 'ib-verbs': exp_fd.write (" option transport.ib-verbs.listen-port %d\n" % self.gfs_ib_port) exp_fd.write (" option transport.ib-verbs.port %d\n" % self.ib_devport) if transport == 'tcp': exp_fd.write (" option transport.socket.listen-port %d\n" % self.gfs_port) exp_fd.write (" option transport.socket.nodelay on\n") exp_fd.write (" subvolumes %s\n" % string.join(total_bricks, ' ')) exp_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n") return