#!/bin/bash cleanup() { sudo service memcached stop sudo swift-init main stop sudo yum -y remove glusterfs-openstack-swift sudo rm -rf /etc/swift > /dev/null 2>&1 } quit() { echo "$1" exit 1 } fail() { cleanup quit "$1" } ### MAIN ### # Only run if there is no configuration in the system if [ -x /etc/swift ] ; then quit "/etc/swift exists, cannot run functional tests." fi # Check the directories exist DIRS="/mnt/gluster-object /mnt/gluster-object/test /mnt/gluster-object/test2" for d in $DIRS ; do if [ ! -x $d ] ; then quit "$d must exist on an XFS or GlusterFS volume" fi done export SWIFT_TEST_CONFIG_FILE=/etc/swift/test.conf # Create and install the rpm PKG_RELEASE=functest bash makerpm.sh sudo yum -y install build/glusterfs-openstack-swift-1.8.0-functest.noarch.rpm || fail "Unable to install rpm" # Install the configuration files mkdir /etc/swift > /dev/null 2>&1 sudo cp -r test/functional/conf/* /etc/swift || fail "Unable to copy configuration files to /etc/swift" ( cd /etc/swift ; sudo gluster-swift-gen-builders test test2 ) || fail "Unable to create ring files" # Start the services sudo service memcached start || fail "Unable to start memcached" sudo swift-init main start || fail "Unable to start swift" mkdir functional_tests > /dev/null 2>&1 nosetests -v --exe \ --with-xunit \ --xunit-file functional_tests/gluster-swift-functional-TC-report.xml test/functional || fail "Functional tests failed" nosetests -v --exe \ --with-xunit \ --xunit-file functional_tests/gluster-swift-functionalnosetests-TC-report.xml test/functionalnosetests || fail "Functional-nose tests failed" cleanup exit 0