[DEFAULT] bind_port = 8080 user = root # Consider using 1 worker per CPU workers = 1 [pipeline:main] pipeline = catch_errors healthcheck proxy-logging cache tempurl proxy-logging kerbauth proxy-server [app:proxy-server] use = egg:gluster_swift#proxy log_facility = LOG_LOCAL1 log_level = WARN # The API allows for account creation and deletion, but since Gluster/Swift # automounts a Gluster volume for a given account, there is no way to create # or delete an account. So leave this off. allow_account_management = false account_autocreate = true # Ensure the proxy server uses fast-POSTs since we don't need to make a copy # of the entire object given that all metadata is stored in the object # extended attributes (no .meta file used after creation) and no container # sync feature to present. object_post_as_copy = false # Only need to recheck the account exists once a day recheck_account_existence = 86400 # May want to consider bumping this up if containers are created and destroyed # infrequently. recheck_container_existence = 60 # Timeout clients that don't read or write to the proxy server after 5 # seconds. client_timeout = 5 # Give more time to connect to the object, container or account servers in # cases of high load. conn_timeout = 5 # For high load situations, once connected to an object, container or account # server, allow for delays communicating with them. node_timeout = 60 # May want to consider bumping up this value to 1 - 4 MB depending on how much # traffic is for multi-megabyte or gigabyte requests; perhaps matching the # stripe width (not stripe element size) of your storage volume is a good # starting point. See below for sizing information. object_chunk_size = 65536 # If you do decide to increase the object_chunk_size, then consider lowering # this value to one. Up to "put_queue_length" object_chunk_size'd buffers can # be queued to the object server for processing. Given one proxy server worker # can handle up to 1,024 connections, by default, it will consume 10 * 65,536 # * 1,024 bytes of memory in the worse case (default values). Be sure the # amount of memory available on the system can accommodate increased values # for object_chunk_size. put_queue_depth = 10 # The following parameter is used by object-expirer and needs to be same # across all conf files! auto_create_account_prefix = gs expiring_objects_account_name = expiring [filter:catch_errors] use = egg:swift#catch_errors [filter:proxy-logging] use = egg:swift#proxy_logging access_log_level = WARN [filter:healthcheck] use = egg:swift#healthcheck [filter:cache] use = egg:swift#memcache # Update this line to contain a comma separated list of memcache servers # shared by all nodes running the proxy-server service. memcache_servers = localhost:11211 [filter:tempurl] use = egg:swift#tempurl [filter:kerbauth] use = egg:gluster_swift#kerbauth ext_authentication_url = http://client.rhelbox.com/cgi-bin/swift-auth