# Copyright (c) 2010-2014 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from httplib import HTTPException import os import socket import sys from time import sleep from urlparse import urlparse import functools from nose import SkipTest from test import get_config from swiftclient import get_auth, http_connection from test.functional.swift_test_client import Connection conf = get_config('func_test') web_front_end = conf.get('web_front_end', 'integral') normalized_urls = conf.get('normalized_urls', False) # If no conf was read, we will fall back to old school env vars swift_test_auth = os.environ.get('SWIFT_TEST_AUTH') swift_test_user = [os.environ.get('SWIFT_TEST_USER'), None, None] swift_test_key = [os.environ.get('SWIFT_TEST_KEY'), None, None] swift_test_tenant = ['', '', ''] swift_test_perm = ['', '', ''] if conf: swift_test_auth_version = str(conf.get('auth_version', '1')) swift_test_auth = 'http' if conf.get('auth_ssl', 'no').lower() in ('yes', 'true', 'on', '1'): swift_test_auth = 'https' if 'auth_prefix' not in conf: conf['auth_prefix'] = '/' try: suffix = '://%(auth_host)s:%(auth_port)s%(auth_prefix)s' % conf swift_test_auth += suffix except KeyError: pass # skip if swift_test_auth_version == "1": swift_test_auth += 'v1.0' if 'account' in conf: swift_test_user[0] = '%(account)s:%(username)s' % conf else: swift_test_user[0] = '%(username)s' % conf swift_test_key[0] = conf['password'] try: swift_test_user[1] = '%s%s' % ( '%s:' % conf['account2'] if 'account2' in conf else '', conf['username2']) swift_test_key[1] = conf['password2'] except KeyError as err: pass # old conf, no second account tests can be run try: swift_test_user[2] = '%s%s' % ('%s:' % conf['account'] if 'account' in conf else '', conf['username3']) swift_test_key[2] = conf['password3'] except KeyError as err: pass # old conf, no third account tests can be run for _ in range(3): swift_test_perm[_] = swift_test_user[_] else: swift_test_user[0] = conf['username'] swift_test_tenant[0] = conf['account'] swift_test_key[0] = conf['password'] swift_test_user[1] = conf['username2'] swift_test_tenant[1] = conf['account2'] swift_test_key[1] = conf['password2'] swift_test_user[2] = conf['username3'] swift_test_tenant[2] = conf['account'] swift_test_key[2] = conf['password3'] for _ in range(3): swift_test_perm[_] = swift_test_tenant[_] + ':' \ + swift_test_user[_] skip = not all([swift_test_auth, swift_test_user[0], swift_test_key[0]]) if skip: print >>sys.stderr, 'SKIPPING FUNCTIONAL TESTS DUE TO NO CONFIG' skip2 = not all([not skip, swift_test_user[1], swift_test_key[1]]) if not skip and skip2: print >>sys.stderr, \ 'SKIPPING SECOND ACCOUNT FUNCTIONAL TESTS DUE TO NO CONFIG FOR THEM' skip3 = not all([not skip, swift_test_user[2], swift_test_key[2]]) if not skip and skip3: print >>sys.stderr, \ 'SKIPPING THIRD ACCOUNT FUNCTIONAL TESTS DUE TO NO CONFIG FOR THEM' class AuthError(Exception): pass class InternalServerError(Exception): pass url = [None, None, None] token = [None, None, None] parsed = [None, None, None] conn = [None, None, None] def retry(func, *args, **kwargs): """ You can use the kwargs to override: 'retries' (default: 5) 'use_account' (default: 1) - which user's token to pass 'url_account' (default: matches 'use_account') - which user's storage URL 'resource' (default: url[url_account] - URL to connect to; retry() will interpolate the variable :storage_url: if present """ global url, token, parsed, conn retries = kwargs.get('retries', 5) attempts, backoff = 0, 1 # use account #1 by default; turn user's 1-indexed account into 0-indexed use_account = kwargs.pop('use_account', 1) - 1 # access our own account by default url_account = kwargs.pop('url_account', use_account + 1) - 1 while attempts <= retries: attempts += 1 try: if not url[use_account] or not token[use_account]: url[use_account], token[use_account] = \ get_auth(swift_test_auth, swift_test_user[use_account], swift_test_key[use_account], snet=False, tenant_name=swift_test_tenant[use_account], auth_version=swift_test_auth_version, os_options={}) parsed[use_account] = conn[use_account] = None if not parsed[use_account] or not conn[use_account]: parsed[use_account], conn[use_account] = \ http_connection(url[use_account]) # default resource is the account url[url_account] resource = kwargs.pop('resource', '%(storage_url)s') template_vars = {'storage_url': url[url_account]} parsed_result = urlparse(resource % template_vars) return func(url[url_account], token[use_account], parsed_result, conn[url_account], *args, **kwargs) except (socket.error, HTTPException): if attempts > retries: raise parsed[use_account] = conn[use_account] = None except AuthError: url[use_account] = token[use_account] = None continue except InternalServerError: pass if attempts <= retries: sleep(backoff) backoff *= 2 raise Exception('No result after %s retries.' % retries) def check_response(conn): resp = conn.getresponse() if resp.status == 401: resp.read() raise AuthError() elif resp.status // 100 == 5: resp.read() raise InternalServerError() return resp cluster_info = {} def get_cluster_info(): conn = Connection(conf) conn.authenticate() global cluster_info cluster_info = conn.cluster_info() def reset_acl(): def post(url, token, parsed, conn): conn.request('POST', parsed.path, '', { 'X-Auth-Token': token, 'X-Account-Access-Control': '{}' }) return check_response(conn) resp = retry(post, use_account=1) resp.read() def requires_acls(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if skip: raise SkipTest if not cluster_info: get_cluster_info() # Determine whether this cluster has account ACLs; if not, skip test if not cluster_info.get('tempauth', {}).get('account_acls'): raise SkipTest if 'keystoneauth' in cluster_info: # remove when keystoneauth supports account acls raise SkipTest reset_acl() try: rv = f(*args, **kwargs) finally: reset_acl() return rv return wrapper