#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2010-2011 OpenStack, LLC. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: import json import gettext import re import socket from datetime import datetime, timedelta from optparse import OptionParser from sys import argv, exit from time import sleep, time from swiftclient.client import Connection, ClientException if __name__ == '__main__': gettext.install('gswauth', unicode=1) parser = OptionParser(usage='Usage: %prog [options]') parser.add_option('-t', '--token-life', dest='token_life', default='86400', help='The expected life of tokens; token objects ' 'modified more than this number of seconds ago will be checked for ' 'expiration (default: 86400).') parser.add_option('-s', '--sleep', dest='sleep', default='0.1', help='The number of seconds to sleep between token ' 'checks (default: 0.1)') parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='Outputs everything done instead of just the ' 'deletions.') parser.add_option('-A', '--admin-url', dest='admin_url', default='', help='The URL to the auth ' 'subsystem (default:') parser.add_option('-K', '--admin-key', dest='admin_key', help='The key for .super_admin is required.') parser.add_option('', '--purge', dest='purge_account', help='Purges all ' 'tokens for a given account whether the tokens have expired or not.' ' Memcached restart is recommended. Old tokens may still persist in' ' memcached.') parser.add_option('', '--purge-all', dest='purge_all', action='store_true', default=False, help='Purges all tokens for all accounts and users ' 'whether the tokens have expired or not.' ' Memcached restart is recommended. Old tokens may still persist in' ' memcached.') args = argv[1:] if not args: args.append('-h') (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args) if len(args) != 0: parser.parse_args(['-h']) if options.admin_key is None: parser.parse_args(['-h']) options.admin_url = options.admin_url.rstrip('/') if not options.admin_url.endswith('/v1.0'): options.admin_url += '/v1.0' options.admin_user = '.super_admin:.super_admin' try: options.token_life = timedelta(0, float(options.token_life)) options.sleep = float(options.sleep) except ValueError: parser.parse_args(['-h']) conn = Connection(options.admin_url, options.admin_user, options.admin_key) if options.purge_account: marker = None while True: if options.verbose: print 'GET %s?marker=%s' % (options.purge_account, marker) try: objs = conn.get_container(options.purge_account, marker=marker)[1] except ClientException, e: if e.http_status == 404: exit('Account %s not found.' % (options.purge_account)) elif e.http_status == 401: exit('Cleanup tokens failed: 401 Unauthorized: ' \ 'Invalid user/key provided') else: exit('Purging %s failed with status ' 'code %d' % (options.purge_account, e.http_status)) except socket.error, msg: exit('Token clean-up failed: %s. ' \ 'Check that the admin_url is valid' % msg) if objs: marker = objs[-1]['name'] else: if options.verbose: print 'No more objects in %s' % options.purge_account break for obj in objs: if options.verbose: print 'HEAD %s/%s' % (options.purge_account, obj['name']) headers = conn.head_object(options.purge_account, obj['name']) if 'x-object-meta-auth-token' in headers: token = headers['x-object-meta-auth-token'] container = '.token_%s' % token[-1] if options.verbose: print '%s/%s purge account %r; deleting' % \ (container, token, options.purge_account) print 'DELETE %s/%s' % (container, token) try: conn.delete_object(container, token) except ClientException, err: if err.http_status != 404: raise continue if options.verbose: print 'Done.' exit(0) for x in xrange(16): container = '.token_%x' % x marker = None while True: if options.verbose: print 'GET %s?marker=%s' % (container, marker) try: objs = conn.get_container(container, marker=marker)[1] except ClientException, e: if e.http_status == 404: exit('Container %s not found. gswauth-prep needs to be ' 'rerun' % (container)) elif e.http_status == 401: exit('Cleanup tokens failed: 401 Unauthorized: ' \ 'Invalid user/key provided') else: exit('Object listing on container %s failed with status ' 'code %d' % (container, e.http_status)) except socket.error, msg: exit('Token clean-up failed: %s. ' \ 'Check that the admin_url is valid' % msg) if objs: marker = objs[-1]['name'] else: if options.verbose: print 'No more objects in %s' % container break for obj in objs: if options.purge_all: if options.verbose: print '%s/%s purge all; deleting' % \ (container, obj['name']) print 'DELETE %s/%s' % (container, obj['name']) try: conn.delete_object(container, obj['name']) except ClientException, err: if err.http_status != 404: raise continue last_modified = datetime(*map(int, re.split('[^\d]', obj['last_modified'])[:-1])) ago = datetime.utcnow() - last_modified if ago > options.token_life: if options.verbose: print '%s/%s last modified %ss ago; investigating' % \ (container, obj['name'], ago.days * 86400 + ago.seconds) print 'GET %s/%s' % (container, obj['name']) detail = conn.get_object(container, obj['name'])[1] detail = json.loads(detail) if detail['expires'] < time(): if options.verbose: print '%s/%s expired %ds ago; deleting' % \ (container, obj['name'], time() - detail['expires']) print 'DELETE %s/%s' % (container, obj['name']) try: conn.delete_object(container, obj['name']) except ClientException, e: if e.http_status != 404: print 'DELETE of %s/%s failed with status ' \ 'code %d' % (container, obj['name'], e.http_status) elif options.verbose: print "%s/%s won't expire for %ds; skipping" % \ (container, obj['name'], detail['expires'] - time()) elif options.verbose: print '%s/%s last modified %ss ago; skipping' % \ (container, obj['name'], ago.days * 86400 + ago.seconds) sleep(options.sleep) if options.verbose: print 'Done.' print 'Recommended to restart memcached as old invalid tokens may' \ ' still persist in memcached.'