#swiftkerbauth * [Installing Kerberos module for Apache] (#httpd-kerb-install) * [Creating HTTP Service Principal] (#http-principal) * [Installing and configuring swiftkerbauth] (#install-swiftkerbauth) * [Using swiftkerbauth] (#use-swiftkerbauth) * [Configurable Parameters] (#config-swiftkerbauth) * [Functional tests] (#swfunctest) ## Installing Kerberos module for Apache on IPA client Install httpd server with kerberos module: > yum install httpd mod_auth_kerb > > service httpd restart Check if auth_kerb_module is loaded : > httpd -M | grep kerb Change httpd log level to debug by adding/changing the following in */etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf* file LogLevel debug httpd logs are at */var/log/httpd/error_log* for troubleshooting If SELinux is enabled, allow Apache to connect to memcache and activate the changes by running >setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1 > >setsebool -P httpd_can_network_memcache 1 ***** ## Creating HTTP Service Principal on IPA server Add a HTTP Kerberos service principal : > ipa service-add HTTP/client.rhelbox.com@RHELBOX.COM Retrieve the HTTP service principal to a keytab file: > ipa-getkeytab -s server.rhelbox.com -p HTTP/client.rhelbox.com@RHELBOX.COM -k /tmp/http.keytab Copy keytab file to client: > scp /tmp/http.keytab root@ ## Creating HTTP Service Principal on Windows AD server Add a HTTP Kerberos service principal: > c:\>ktpass.exe -princ HTTP/fcclient.winad.com@WINAD.COM -mapuser > auth_admin@WINAD.COM -pass Redhat*123 -out c:\HTTP.keytab -crypto DES-CBC-CRC > -kvno 0 Use winscp to copy HTTP.ketab file to /etc/httpd/conf/http.keytab ***** ##Installing and configuring swiftkerbauth on IPA client Prerequisites for installing swiftkerbauth * swift (havana) * gluster-swift (optional) You can install swiftkerbauth using one of these three ways: Installing swiftkerbauth from source: > python setup.py install Installing swiftkerbauth using pip: > pip install swiftkerbauth Installing swiftkerbauth from RPMs: > ./makerpm.sh > > rpm -ivh dist/swiftkerbauth-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm Edit */etc/httpd/conf.d/swift-auth.conf* and change KrbServiceName, KrbAuthRealms and Krb5KeyTab parameters accordingly. More detail on configuring kerberos for apache can be found at: [auth_kerb_module Configuration][] Make /etc/httpd/conf/http.keytab readable by any user : > chmod 644 /etc/httpd/conf/http.keytab And preferably change owner of keytab file to apache : > chown apache:apache /etc/httpd/conf/http.keytab Reload httpd > service httpd reload Make authentication script executable: > chmod +x /var/www/cgi-bin/swift-auth ***** ##Using swiftkerbauth ### Adding kerbauth filter in swift pipeline Edit */etc/swift/proxy-server.conf* and add a new filter section as follows: [filter:kerbauth] use = egg:swiftkerbauth#kerbauth ext_authentication_url = http://client.rhelbox.com/cgi-bin/swift-auth auth_mode=passive Add kerbauth to pipeline [pipeline:main] pipeline = catch_errors healthcheck proxy-logging cache proxy-logging kerbauth proxy-server If the Swift server is not one of your Gluster nodes, edit */etc/swift/fs.conf* and change the following lines in the DEFAULT section: mount_ip = RHS_NODE_HOSTNAME remote_cluster = yes Restart swift to activate kerbauth filer > swift-init main restart ###Examples ####Authenticate user and get Kerberos ticket > kinit auth_admin NOTE: curl ignores user specified in -u option. All further curl commands will use the currently authenticated auth_admin user. ####Get an authentication token: > curl -v -u : --negotiate --location-trusted http://client.rhelbox.com:8080/auth/v1.0 * About to connect() to client.rhelbox.com port 8080 (#0) * Trying * connected * Connected to client.rhelbox.com ( port 8080 (#0) > GET /auth/v1.0 HTTP/1.1 > User-Agent: curl/7.27.0 > Host: client.rhelbox.com:8080 > Accept: */* > < HTTP/1.1 303 See Other < Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 < Location: http://client.rhelbox.com/cgi-bin/swift-auth < Content-Length: 0 < X-Trans-Id: txecd415aae89b4320b6145-0052417ea5 < Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 11:59:33 GMT < * Connection #0 to host client.rhelbox.com left intact * Issue another request to this URL: 'http://client.rhelbox.com/cgi-bin/swift-auth' * About to connect() to client.rhelbox.com port 80 (#1) * Trying * connected * Connected to client.rhelbox.com ( port 80 (#1) > GET /cgi-bin/swift-auth HTTP/1.1 > User-Agent: curl/7.27.0 > Host: client.rhelbox.com > Accept: */* > < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized < Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 11:59:33 GMT < Server: Apache/2.4.6 (Fedora) mod_auth_kerb/5.4 < WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate < WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Swift Authentication" < Content-Length: 381 < Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 < * Ignoring the response-body * Connection #1 to host client.rhelbox.com left intact * Issue another request to this URL: 'http://client.rhelbox.com/cgi-bin/swift-auth' * Re-using existing connection! (#1) with host (nil) * Connected to (nil) ( port 80 (#1) * Server auth using GSS-Negotiate with user '' > GET /cgi-bin/swift-auth HTTP/1.1 > Authorization: Negotiate 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 > User-Agent: curl/7.27.0 > Host: client.rhelbox.com > Accept: */* > < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 11:59:33 GMT < Server: Apache/2.4.6 (Fedora) mod_auth_kerb/5.4 < WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate YIGZBgkqhkiG9xIBAgICAG+BiTCBhqADAgEFoQMCAQ+iejB4oAMCARKicQRveeZTV/QRJSIOoOWPbZkEmtdug9V5ZcMGXWqAJvCAnrvw9gHbklMyLl8f8jU2e0wU3ehtchLEL4dVeAYgKsnUgw4wGhHu59AZBwSbHRKSpv3I6gWEZqC4NAEuZJFW9ipdUHOiclBQniVXXCsRF/5Y < X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk083b8abc92f4a514f34224a181ed568a < X-Debug-Remote-User: auth_admin < X-Debug-Groups: auth_admin,auth_reseller_admin < X-Debug-Token-Life: 86400s < X-Debug-Token-Expires: Wed Sep 25 17:29:33 2013 < Content-Length: 0 < Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 < * Connection #1 to host (nil) left intact * Closing connection #0 * Closing connection #1 The header *X-Auth-Token* in response contains the token *AUTH_tk083b8abc92f4a514f34224a181ed568a*. ####PUT a container >curl -v -X PUT -H 'X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk083b8abc92f4a514f34224a181ed568a' http://client.rhelbox.com:8080/v1/AUTH_myvolume/c1 * About to connect() to client.rhelbox.com port 8080 (#0) * Trying * connected * Connected to client.rhelbox.com ( port 8080 (#0) > PUT /v1/AUTH_myvolume/c1 HTTP/1.1 > User-Agent: curl/7.27.0 > Host: client.rhelbox.com:8080 > Accept: */* > X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk083b8abc92f4a514f34224a181ed568a > < HTTP/1.1 201 Created < Content-Length: 0 < Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 < X-Trans-Id: txc420b0ebf9714445900e8-0052418863 < Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 12:41:07 GMT < * Connection #0 to host client.rhelbox.com left intact * Closing connection #0 ####GET a container listing > curl -v -X GET -H 'X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk083b8abc92f4a514f34224a181ed568a' http://client.rhelbox.com:8080/v1/AUTH_myvolume * About to connect() to client.rhelbox.com port 8080 (#0) * Trying * connected * Connected to client.rhelbox.com ( port 8080 (#0) > GET /v1/AUTH_myvolume HTTP/1.1 > User-Agent: curl/7.27.0 > Host: client.rhelbox.com:8080 > Accept: */* > X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk083b8abc92f4a514f34224a181ed568a > < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Content-Length: 3 < X-Account-Container-Count: 0 < Accept-Ranges: bytes < X-Account-Object-Count: 0 < X-Bytes-Used: 0 < X-Timestamp: 1379997117.09468 < X-Object-Count: 0 < X-Account-Bytes-Used: 0 < X-Type: Account < Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 < X-Container-Count: 0 < X-Trans-Id: tx89826736a1ab4d6aae6e3-00524188dc < Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 12:43:08 GMT < c1 * Connection #0 to host client.rhelbox.com left intact * Closing connection #0 ####PUT an object in container > curl -v -X PUT -H 'X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk083b8abc92f4a514f34224a181ed568a' http://client.rhelbox.com:8080/v1/AUTH_myvolume/c1/object1 -d'Hello world' * About to connect() to client.rhelbox.com port 8080 (#0) * Trying * connected * Connected to client.rhelbox.com ( port 8080 (#0) > PUT /v1/AUTH_myvolume/c1/object1 HTTP/1.1 > User-Agent: curl/7.27.0 > Host: client.rhelbox.com:8080 > Accept: */* > X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk083b8abc92f4a514f34224a181ed568a > Content-Length: 11 > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded > * upload completely sent off: 11 out of 11 bytes < HTTP/1.1 201 Created < Last-Modified: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:08:00 GMT < Content-Length: 0 < Etag: 3e25960a79dbc69b674cd4ec67a72c62 < Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 < X-Trans-Id: tx01f1b5a430cf4af3897be-0052427dc0 < Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:08:01 GMT < * Connection #0 to host client.rhelbox.com left intact * Closing connection #0 ####Give permission to jsmith to list and download objects from c1 container > curl -v -X POST -H 'X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk083b8abc92f4a514f34224a181ed568a' -H 'X-Container-Read: jsmith' http://client.rhelbox.com:8080/v1/AUTH_myvolume/c1 * About to connect() to client.rhelbox.com port 8080 (#0) * Trying * connected * Connected to client.rhelbox.com ( port 8080 (#0) > POST /v1/AUTH_myvolume/c1 HTTP/1.1 > User-Agent: curl/7.27.0 > Host: client.rhelbox.com:8080 > Accept: */* > X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk083b8abc92f4a514f34224a181ed568a > X-Container-Read: jsmith > < HTTP/1.1 204 No Content < Content-Length: 0 < Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 < X-Trans-Id: txcedea3e2557d463eb591d-0052427f60 < Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:14:56 GMT < * Connection #0 to host client.rhelbox.com left intact * Closing connection #0 ####Access container as jsmith > kinit jsmith Get token for jsmith > curl -v -u : --negotiate --location-trusted http://client.rhelbox.com:8080/auth/v1.0 * About to connect() to client.rhelbox.com port 8080 (#0) * Trying * connected * Connected to client.rhelbox.com ( port 8080 (#0) > GET /auth/v1.0 HTTP/1.1 > User-Agent: curl/7.27.0 > Host: client.rhelbox.com:8080 > Accept: */* > < HTTP/1.1 303 See Other < Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 < Location: http://client.rhelbox.com/cgi-bin/swift-auth < Content-Length: 0 < X-Trans-Id: txf51e1bf7f8c5496f8cc93-005242800b < Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:17:47 GMT < * Connection #0 to host client.rhelbox.com left intact * Issue another request to this URL: 'http://client.rhelbox.com/cgi-bin/swift-auth' * About to connect() to client.rhelbox.com port 80 (#1) * Trying * connected * Connected to client.rhelbox.com ( port 80 (#1) > GET /cgi-bin/swift-auth HTTP/1.1 > User-Agent: curl/7.27.0 > Host: client.rhelbox.com > Accept: */* > < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized < Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:17:47 GMT < Server: Apache/2.4.6 (Fedora) mod_auth_kerb/5.4 < WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate < WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Swift Authentication" < Content-Length: 381 < Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 < * Ignoring the response-body * Connection #1 to host client.rhelbox.com left intact * Issue another request to this URL: 'http://client.rhelbox.com/cgi-bin/swift-auth' * Re-using existing connection! (#1) with host (nil) * Connected to (nil) ( port 80 (#1) * Server auth using GSS-Negotiate with user '' > GET /cgi-bin/swift-auth HTTP/1.1 > Authorization: Negotiate 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 > User-Agent: curl/7.27.0 > Host: client.rhelbox.com > Accept: */* > < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:17:47 GMT < Server: Apache/2.4.6 (Fedora) mod_auth_kerb/5.4 < WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate YIGYBgkqhkiG9xIBAgICAG+BiDCBhaADAgEFoQMCAQ+ieTB3oAMCARKicARuH2YpjFrtgIhGr5nO7gh/21EvGH9tayRo5A3pw5pxD1B1036ePLG/x98OdMrSflse5s8ttz8FmvRphCFJa8kfYtnWULgoFLF2F2a1zBdSo2oCA0R05YFwArNhkg6ou5o7wWZkERHK33CKlhudSj8= < X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tkb5a20eb8207a819e76619431c8410447 < X-Debug-Remote-User: jsmith < X-Debug-Groups: jsmith < X-Debug-Token-Life: 86400s < X-Debug-Token-Expires: Thu Sep 26 11:47:47 2013 < Content-Length: 0 < Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 < * Connection #1 to host (nil) left intact * Closing connection #0 * Closing connection #1 List the container using authentication token for jsmith: > curl -v -X GET -H 'X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tkb5a20eb8207a819e76619431c8410447' http://client.rhelbox.com:8080/v1/AUTH_myvolume/c1 * About to connect() to client.rhelbox.com port 8080 (#0) * Trying * connected * Connected to client.rhelbox.com ( port 8080 (#0) > GET /v1/AUTH_myvolume/c1 HTTP/1.1 > User-Agent: curl/7.27.0 > Host: client.rhelbox.com:8080 > Accept: */* > X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tkb5a20eb8207a819e76619431c8410447 > < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Content-Length: 8 < X-Container-Object-Count: 0 < Accept-Ranges: bytes < X-Timestamp: 1 < X-Container-Bytes-Used: 0 < Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 < X-Trans-Id: tx575215929c654d9f9f284-00524280a4 < Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:20:20 GMT < object1 * Connection #0 to host client.rhelbox.com left intact * Closing connection #0 Downloading the object as jsmith: > curl -v -X GET -H 'X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tkb5a20eb8207a819e76619431c8410447' http://client.rhelbox.com:8080/v1/AUTH_myvolume/c1/object1 * About to connect() to client.rhelbox.com port 8080 (#0) * Trying * connected * Connected to client.rhelbox.com ( port 8080 (#0) > GET /v1/AUTH_myvolume/c1/object1 HTTP/1.1 > User-Agent: curl/7.27.0 > Host: client.rhelbox.com:8080 > Accept: */* > X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tkb5a20eb8207a819e76619431c8410447 > < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Content-Length: 11 < Accept-Ranges: bytes < Last-Modified: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:08:00 GMT < Etag: 3e25960a79dbc69b674cd4ec67a72c62 < X-Timestamp: 1380089280.98829 < Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded < X-Trans-Id: tx19b5cc3847854f40a6ca8-00524281aa < Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:24:42 GMT < * Connection #0 to host client.rhelbox.com left intact Hello world* Closing connection #0 For curl to follow the redirect, you need to specify additional options. With these, and with a current Kerberos ticket, you should get the Kerberos user's cached authentication token, or a new one if the previous token has expired. > curl -v -u : --negotiate --location-trusted -X GET http://client.rhelbox.com:8080/v1/AUTH_myvolume/c1/object1 The --negotiate option is for curl to perform Kerberos authentication and --location-trusted is for curl to follow the redirect. [auth_kerb_module Configuration]: http://modauthkerb.sourceforge.net/configure.html #### Get an authentication token when auth_mode=passive: > curl -v -H 'X-Auth-User: test:auth_admin' -H 'X-Auth-Key: Redhat*123' **NOTE**: X-Storage-Url response header can be returned only in passive mode. ##Configurable Parameters The kerbauth filter section in **/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf** looks something like this: [filter:kerbauth] use = egg:swiftkerbauth#kerbauth ext_authentication_url = http://client.rhelbox.com/cgi-bin/swift-auth auth_method = active token_life = 86400 debug_headers = yes realm_name = RHELBOX.COM Of all the options listed above, specifying **ext\_authentication\_url** is mandatory. The rest of the options are optional and have default values. #### ext\_authentication\_url A URL specifying location of the swift-auth CGI script. Avoid using IP address. Default value: None #### token_life After how many seconds the cached information about an authentication token is discarded. Default value: 86400 #### debug_headers When turned on, the response headers sent to the user will contain additional debug information apart from the auth token. Default value: yes #### auth_method Set this to **"active"** when you want to allow access **only to clients residing inside the domain**. In this mode, authentication is performed by mod\_auth\_kerb using the Kerberos ticket bundled with the client request. No username and password have to be specified to get a token. Set this to **"passive"** when you want to allow access to clients residing outside the domain. In this mode, authentication is performed by gleaning username and password from request headers (X-Auth-User and X-Auth-Key) and running kinit command against it. Default value: passive #### realm_name This is applicable only when the auth_method=passive. This option specifies realm name if storage server belongs to more than one realm and realm name is not part of the username specified in X-Auth-User header. ##Functional tests for SwiftkerbAuth Functional tests to be run on the storage node after SwiftKerbAuth is setup using either IPA server or Windows AD. The gluster-swift/doc/markdown/swiftkerbauth directory contains the SwiftkerbAuth setup documents. There are two modes of working with SwiftKerbAuth. 'PASSIVE' mode indicates the client is outside the domain configured using SwiftKerbAuth. Client provides the 'Username' and 'Password' while invoking a command. SwiftKerbAuth auth filter code then would get the ticket granting ticket from AD server or IPA server. In 'ACTIVE' mode of SwiftKerbAuth, User is already logged into storage node using its kerberos credentials. That user is authenticated across AD/IPA server. In PASSIVE mode all the generic functional tests are run. ACTIVE mode has a different way of acquiring Ticket Granting Ticket. And hence the different framework of functional tests there. The accounts, users, passwords must be prepared on AD/IPA server as per mentioned in test/functional_auth/swiftkerbauth/conf/test.conf Command to invoke SwiftKerbAuth functional tests is > $tox -e swfunctest This would run both ACTIVE and PASSIVE mode functional test cases.