# Quick Start Guide ## Contents * [Overview](#overview) * [Setting up GlusterFS](#gluster_setup) * [Setting up gluster-swift](#swift_setup) * [Using Gluster for Swift](#using_swift) * [What now?](#what_now) ## Overview Gluster-swift project enables object based access (over Swift and S3 API) to GlusterFS volumes.This guide is a great way to begin using gluster-swift, and can be easily deployed on a single virtual machine. The final result will be a single gluster-swift node. The instructions provided in this guide has been tested specifically on: * CentOS 7 * Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS 'xenial' If you are on other distributions, the steps related to where you fetch the installation packages may vary. > NOTE: In Gluster-Swift, accounts must be GlusterFS volumes. ## Setting up GlusterFS ### Installing and starting GlusterFS If on Ubuntu 16.04: ```sh # add-apt-repository ppa:gluster/glusterfs-3.10 # apt-get install glusterfs-server attr # service glusterfs-server start ``` If on CentOS 7: ```sh # yum install centos-release-gluster # yum install glusterfs-server # service glusterd start ``` ### Setting up a GlusterFS volume You can use separate partitions as bricks. This guide illustrates using loopback devices as bricks. Create bricks: ```sh # truncate -s 1GB /srv/disk{1..4} # for i in `seq 1 4`;do mkfs.xfs -i size=512 /srv/disk$i ;done # mkdir -p /export/brick{1..4} ``` Add the following lines to `/etc/fstab` to auto-mount the the bricks on system startup: ~~~ /srv/disk1 /export/brick1 xfs loop,inode64,noatime,nodiratime 0 0 /srv/disk2 /export/brick2 xfs loop,inode64,noatime,nodiratime 0 0 /srv/disk3 /export/brick3 xfs loop,inode64,noatime,nodiratime 0 0 /srv/disk4 /export/brick4 xfs loop,inode64,noatime,nodiratime 0 0 ~~~ Mount the bricks: ```sh # mount -a ``` You can now create and start the GlusterFS volume. Make sure your hostname is in /etc/hosts or is DNS-resolvable. ```sh # gluster volume create myvolume replica 2 transport tcp `hostname`:/export/brick{1..4}/data force # gluster volume start myvolume ``` Mount the GlusterFS volume: ```sh # mkdir -p /mnt/gluster-object/myvolume # mount -t glusterfs `hostname`:myvolume /mnt/gluster-object/myvolume ``` ## Setting up gluster-swift ### Installing Openstack Swift (kilo version) If on Ubuntu 16.04: ```sh # apt install python-pip libffi-dev memcached # git clone https://github.com/openstack/swift; cd swift # git checkout -b kilo tags/kilo-eol # pip install -r ./requirements.txt # python setup.py install ``` If on CentOS 7: ```sh # yum install centos-release-openstack-kilo # yum install openstack-swift-* ``` ### Installing gluster-swift (kilo version) If on Ubuntu 16.04: ```sh # git clone https://github.com/gluster/gluster-swift; cd gluster-swift # pip install -r ./requirements.txt # python setup.py install ``` If on CentoOS 7: ```sh # yum install epel-release # yum install python-scandir python-prettytable git # git clone https://github.com/gluster/gluster-swift; cd gluster-swift # python setup.py install ``` ### gluster-swift configuration files As with OpenStack Swift, gluster-swift uses `/etc/swift` as the directory containing the configuration files. You will need to base the configuration files on the template files provided. On new installations, the simplest way is to copy the `*.conf-gluster` files to `*.conf` files as follows: Copy conf files from `etc` directory in gluster-swift repo to `/etc/swift` and rename the template files. ```sh # mkdir -p /etc/swift/ # cp etc/* /etc/swift/ # cd /etc/swift # for tmpl in *.conf-gluster ; do cp ${tmpl} ${tmpl%.*}.conf; done ``` ### Export GlusterFS volumes over gluster-swift You now need to generate the ring files, which informs gluster-swift which GlusterFS volumes are accessible over the object storage interface. The format is: ```sh # gluster-swift-gen-builders [VOLUME] [VOLUME...] ``` Where *VOLUME* is the name of the GlusterFS volume which you would like to access over gluster-swift. Let's now expose the GlusterFS volume called `myvolume` you created above by executing the following command: ```sh # gluster-swift-gen-builders myvolume ``` ### Start gluster-swift Use the following commands to start gluster-swift: ```sh # swift-init main start ``` ## Using gluster-swift ### Create a container Create a container using the following command: ```sh # curl -i -X PUT http://localhost:8080/v1/AUTH_myvolume/mycontainer ``` It should return `HTTP/1.1 201 Created` on a successful creation. You can also confirm that the container has been created by inspecting the GlusterFS volume: ```sh # ls /mnt/gluster-object/myvolume ``` #### Create an object You can now place an object in the container you have just created: ```sh # echo "Hello World" > mytestfile # curl -i -X PUT -T mytestfile http://localhost:8080/v1/AUTH_myvolume/mycontainer/mytestfile ``` To confirm that the object has been written correctly, you can compare the test file with the object you created: ```sh # cat /mnt/gluster-object/myvolume/mycontainer/mytestfile ``` #### Request the object Now you can retreive the object and inspect its contents using the following commands: ```sh # curl -i -X GET -o newfile http://localhost:8080/v1/AUTH_myvolume/mycontainer/mytestfile # cat newfile ``` ## What now? For more information, please visit the following links: * [Authentication Services Start Guide][] * [GlusterFS Quick Start Guide][] * [OpenStack Swift API][] * [Accessing over Amazon S3 API][] [GlusterFS Quick Start Guide]: http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/QuickStart [OpenStack Swift API]: http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-object-storage/1.0/content/ [Authentication Services Start Guide]: auth_guide.md [Accessing over Amazon S3 API]: s3.md