path: root/gluster/swift/common/middleware/gswauth/doc/source/index.rst
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authorLuis Pabon <>2013-10-10 16:53:28 -0400
committerLuis Pabon <>2013-10-13 19:36:20 -0700
commitac1ac5bd2171e61ba4332dcae33d8a433cef7a4f (patch)
tree9d836201435c83cf59a659124f004a03f488c1f5 /gluster/swift/common/middleware/gswauth/doc/source/index.rst
parent46cd43fdf401b16f9e1b588e5fc8d2c5dd599b37 (diff)
GSWauth authentication to be based on SWauth
We are planning on creating a GlusterFS aware authentication system for gluster-swift based on SWauth. We forked from SWauth commit 41d36ebe160aa3346f6f45197fff0c80f38fde58 Change-Id: Ia28730d21e04fc8d9ce0cb317fc04d0d97583fca Signed-off-by: Luis Pabon <> Reviewed-on:
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+.. Swauth documentation master file, created by
+ sphinx-quickstart on Mon Feb 14 19:34:51 2011.
+ You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
+ contain the root `toctree` directive.
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack, LLC
+ An Auth Service for Swift as WSGI Middleware that uses Swift itself as a
+ backing store. Sphinx-built docs at:
+ Source available at:
+ See also for the standard OpenStack
+ auth service.
+Before discussing how to install Swauth within a Swift system, it might help to understand how Swauth does it work first.
+1. Swauth is middleware installed in the Swift Proxy's WSGI pipeline.
+2. It intercepts requests to ``/auth/`` (by default).
+3. It also uses Swift's `authorize callback <>`_ and `acl callback <>`_ features to authorize Swift requests.
+4. Swauth will also make various internal calls to the Swift WSGI pipeline it's installed in to manipulate containers and objects within an ``AUTH_.auth`` (by default) Swift account. These containers and objects are what store account and user information.
+5. Instead of #4, Swauth can be configured to call out to another remote Swauth to perform #4 on its behalf (using the swauth_remote config value).
+6. When managing accounts and users with the various ``swauth-`` command line tools, these tools are actually just performing HTTP requests against the ``/auth/`` end point referenced in #2. You can make your own tools that use the same :ref:`API <api_top>`.
+7. In the special case of creating a new account, Swauth will do its usual WSGI-internal requests as per #4 but will also call out to the Swift cluster to create the actual Swift account.
+ a. This Swift cluster callout is an account PUT request to the URL defined by the ``swift_default_cluster`` config value.
+ b. This callout end point is also saved when the account is created so that it can be given to the users of that account in the future.
+ c. Sometimes, due to public/private network routing or firewalling, the URL Swauth should use should be different than the URL Swauth should give the users later. That is why the ``default_swift_cluster`` config value can accept two URLs (first is the one for users, second is the one for Swauth).
+ d. Once an account is created, the URL given to users for that account will not change, even if the ``default_swift_cluster`` config value changes. This is so that you can use multiple clusters with the same Swauth system; ``default_swift_cluster`` just points to the one where you want new users to go.
+ f. You can change the stored URL for an account if need be with the ``swauth-set-account-service`` command line tool or a POST request (see :ref:`API <api_set_service_endpoints>`).
+1) Install Swauth with ``sudo python install`` or ``sudo python
+ develop`` or via whatever packaging system you may be using.
+2) Alter your ``proxy-server.conf`` pipeline to have ``swauth`` instead of ``tempauth``:
+ Was::
+ [pipeline:main]
+ pipeline = catch_errors cache tempauth proxy-server
+ Change To::
+ [pipeline:main]
+ pipeline = catch_errors cache swauth proxy-server
+3) Add to your ``proxy-server.conf`` the section for the Swauth WSGI filter::
+ [filter:swauth]
+ use = egg:swauth#swauth
+ set log_name = swauth
+ super_admin_key = swauthkey
+ default_swift_cluster = <your setting as discussed below>
+ The ``default_swift_cluster`` setting can be confusing.
+ a. If you're using an all-in-one type configuration where everything will be run on the local host on port 8080, you can omit the ``default_swift_cluster`` completely and it will default to ``local#``.
+ b. If you're using a single Swift proxy you can just set the ``default_swift_cluster = cluster_name#https://<public_ip>:<port>/v1`` and that URL will be given to users as well as used by Swauth internally. (Quick note: be sure the ``http`` vs. ``https`` is set right depending on if you're using SSL.)
+ c. If you're using multiple Swift proxies behind a load balancer, you'll probably want ``default_swift_cluster = cluster_name#https://<load_balancer_ip>:<port>/v1#<port>/v1`` so that Swauth gives out the first URL but uses the second URL internally. Remember to double-check the ``http`` vs. ``https`` settings for each of the URLs; they might be different if you're terminating SSL at the load balancer.
+ Also see the ``proxy-server.conf-sample`` for more config options, such as the ability to have a remote Swauth in a multiple Swift cluster configuration.
+4) Be sure your Swift proxy allows account management in the ``proxy-server.conf``::
+ [app:proxy-server]
+ ...
+ allow_account_management = true
+ For greater security, you can leave this off any public proxies and just have one or two private proxies with it turned on.
+5) Restart your proxy server ``swift-init proxy reload``
+6) Initialize the Swauth backing store in Swift ``swauth-prep -K swauthkey``
+7) Add an account/user ``swauth-add-user -A http[s]://<host>:<port>/auth/ -K
+ swauthkey -a test tester testing``
+8) Ensure it works ``swift -A http[s]://<host>:<port>/auth/v1.0 -U test:tester -K testing stat -v``
+If anything goes wrong, it's best to start checking the proxy server logs. The client command line utilities often don't get enough information to help. I will often just ``tail -F`` the appropriate proxy log (``/var/log/syslog`` or however you have it configured) and then run the Swauth command to see exactly what requests are happening to try to determine where things fail.
+General note, I find I occasionally just forget to reload the proxies after a config change; so that's the first thing you might try. Or, if you suspect the proxies aren't reloading properly, you might try ``swift-init proxy stop``, ensure all the processes died, then ``swift-init proxy start``.
+Also, it's quite common to get the ``/auth/v1.0`` vs. just ``/auth/`` URL paths confused. Usual rule is: Swauth tools use just ``/auth/`` and Swift tools use ``/auth/v1.0``.
+Web Admin Install
+1) If you installed from packages, you'll need to cd to the webadmin directory
+ the package installed. This is ``/usr/share/doc/python-swauth/webadmin``
+ with the Lucid packages. If you installed from source, you'll need to cd to
+ the webadmin directory in the source directory.
+2) Upload the Web Admin files with ``swift -A http[s]://<host>:<port>/auth/v1.0
+ -U .super_admin:.super_admin -K swauthkey upload .webadmin .``
+3) Open ``http[s]://<host>:<port>/auth/`` in your browser.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ license
+ details
+ swauth
+ middleware
+ api
+ authtypes
+Indices and tables
+* :ref:`genindex`
+* :ref:`modindex`
+* :ref:`search`