#!/bin/bash RESULT="$WORKSPACE/python-lint" mkdir $RESULT ./autogen.sh ./configure --disable-bd-xlator --enable-debug --enable-gnfs --silent # create and activate virtual env python3 -m venv env . env/bin/activate #install flake8 and pylint pip install -I flake8 pylint # run flake8 flake8 . >"$RESULT/flake8-check.txt" FLAKE_COUNT="$(wc -l < $RESULT/flake8-check.txt)" #run pylint find . -iname "*.py" | xargs pylint --output-format=text >"$RESULT/pylint-check.txt" PYLINT_COUNT="$(egrep -wc 'R:|C:|W:|E:|F:' $RESULT/pylint-check.txt)" #fail build if there's any pylint and flake8 related issues if [[ "$FLAKE_COUNT" -gt 0 && "$PYLINT_COUNT" -gt 0 ]]; then echo "" echo "=========================================================" echo " Result of python linter" echo " Number of flake8 issues: ${FLAKE_COUNT}" echo " Number of pylint issues: ${PYLINT_COUNT}" echo "=========================================================" exit 1 fi